God doesn’t do Amazing things just to show off… There is a purpose

“Now they were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every Nation under heaven.” (v8)
“Amazed and perplexed they asked one another, “What does this mean?” (v12)

Some Thoughts…

   I cannot escape God’s purpose!  It seems to leap from every verse of the Book of Acts.  Even in the coming of the Holy Spirit, with a loud noise and “wind-like” phenomenon and the personal touch of the “fire-like” tongues.  It appears to me God shouted from Heaven, “Tell every one!  Leave no one, no nation out!  I have come to redeem my creation!”  Every one of the 120 was enabled to speak a native tongue (of which Galileans were famous for not being able do v7).  And what did they speak of?  They spoke of the wonders of God; God’s activity in the world to bring about His purpose! And the fact that they could speak in every language on the known world at that moment with all those seekers in ear-shot hints to God’s global mission to save anyone who will believe… And God had the people’s attention (v12).
   The purpose of God – what is it?  To redeem a fallen world, and in every instance and every generation of His church, God says there are to be witnesses of Him to win the hearts of fallen humanity.  God never just shows His earthly followers some “cool” miracle or gives him some “heart-warming” devotional thought – NO, He directs them to the tasks, He empowers them to speak, He corrects their focus.  Then His purpose to redeem the world is accomplished.
(Side Note to God’s unstoppable purpose:  See Acts 27-28 – nothing could stop Paul from reaching Rome!)
A Prayer…
   Father, here I am.  Send me.