Step by Step

Galatians 5:25
“Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.”
Some Thoughts:
     Paul is calling followers of Jesus to walk on in a faith relationship with the God who is alive inside us…
As you stand gazing into the sky that Jesus ascended into after completing the job of saving your soul, you can begin to wonder if He has left you alone to figure this life out on your own.  Then you feel a tap on the shoulder and you feel a strangely familiar person next to you… It is the Spirit of your Savior-God extending His hand and asking you to take hold of it.  You feel a grip that is gentle yet unbreakable.  And then…. He begins to walk down a path unknown and unfamiliar to you.  You hesitate… and He stops. He is waiting on you… He wants to lead you down the path to maturity – The way of the Spirit-filled life, and away from the path of the worldly and what come naturally to you.
What will you choose? Will you keep in step with His Spirit or hinder His activity in you to make you whole for the glory of God?
A Prayer:
   May today be a day of NO HESITATION!  When you move in me, help me to move with You.  And when you say wait, help me to hear your Spirit’s voice and come to a holy standstill until I sense you taking the next step.   AMEN.