Read 2 Timothy 2:8-13
“…a trustworthy saying: “If we died with Him we will also live with Him
If we endure, we will also reign with Him
If we disown (deny) Him He will disown us
If we are faithless, He will remain faithful for He cannot disown Himself.” (11-13)
If we endure, we will also reign with Him
If we disown (deny) Him He will disown us
If we are faithless, He will remain faithful for He cannot disown Himself.” (11-13)
Some Thoughts…
There are some things that you can stake your life on! Mark it down; you can count on it! And one of those is this: the proof of salvation and real life comes through the putting to death of self and personal ambitions and this self-death comes as we learn to live like Jesus by the way we endure the difficulties, heartache, and frustrations that this broken life hands us, and also by our diligence to stick with God’s plan for us personally and for humanity in general…it’s hard work (Salvation is by grace not works, but working out our salvation takes a lot of blood, sweat, and tears – see Philippians 2:12).
There is a prize, however, that awaits us at the end; there is rest for our diligence and endurance (as it says in Hebrews 4:1-11). Jesus said His yoke is easy and His burden is light, but it is still a yoke and a yoke is designed for hard work! So, if we must work had in this life, we might as well take the ONE yoke that will make this sin-stained existence more bearable…and with Jesus, it’s all worth it! Anything worthwhile is not easy, we can be sure of that! But there is a divine promise that if we will stick it out… If we trust in His way, If we have faith in His plan for life and that which is to come after, then…. Then we will have a place of honor with him…”We’ll reign with HIM”…WOW!
But there is something else you can stake your life on (or seal your fate on!). Disbelief or complete denial of the reality of God and His work through Jesus will bring eternal darkness. “If we are faithless, he will remain faithful” – This doesn’t mean God will say, “Oh well, you did the best you could, come on in!” No, God must be faithful to Himself; to His promises of life as well as His statements of judgment and wrath. We have this lifetime to choose to own Him or disown Him. To be faithful or faithless, die to self now or die in our sin later – it is our choice.
Yes! God is faithful to keep His word…if we will let go of ourselves, give in to His master plan for life and ministry, and trust God to work out life, there is a crown that awaits us! But if we choose our own way; if we refuse the light and return to grope in darkness, then our Faithful Father has no choice but to allow us to suffer the fate we have chosen…
Life without God now, means life eternally without God…God is faithful… let us choose Paul’s example of determined faith even while chained to a Roman Guard… “This is why I endure…” (v. 10)
A Prayer…
Father, let me live in a way that will show You beaming from every pore of my being. Put to death me so that You have freedom to remake me, and in so doing, point others to Your love, grace and faithfulness. Help me to never look at You again as a push-over or someone who waivers in carrying out what You said. You are faithful; not a man that men should sway you (Galatians 6:7; Numbers 23:19). Help me to faithfully endure in Your Son and Spirit’s power. Amen.