Read Daniel 9:1-4a
“…I Daniel, understood from the Scriptures, according to the word of the Lord given to Jeremiah the prophet, …so I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with Him in prayer…” (v2-3)
Some Thoughts…
The priority and power of the word of God is the pedestal on which real prayer is born! One can only approach God on His terms and without a solid understanding of who God is, prayer is nothing more than talking to the air. It may bring temporary comfort and peace as we look to something bigger than ourselves, but God does not act on our behalf based on our need or even our dismal situation. No; He acts upon the prayers of those who seek Him in truth with faith in the One True God that has revealed Himself down through history as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Daniel’s eloquent, heart-wrenching prayer of confession and plea for divine intervention flowed from his study of scripture. As he read the words of Jeremiah, his heart was stirred and his eyes were fixed on his “great and awesome God” (v46), and God heard him. (v21-23)
I must never forget the God I serve has always been the author of life…His book contains the secrets to living. As much as I could be attracted to emotional moments and charismatic individuals, it is really the Word of God that brings me peace as His Spirit teaches me His truth…for it is in those quiet moments of personal encounter that God – the Author Himself – shows up to show me what I need to see (and, more importantly, WHO I need to see). It is through my personal discovery that God brings peace, and direction, and purpose in my life. And when that happens, and the joy overflows or the sorrow spills over, I run hard to my Abba Father with my petitions and pleas of confession. And God hears my cries! What a powerful Book!
A Prayer…
Oh Author of my life, thank you, my awesome God for revealing Yourself and Your ways to me through Your faithful servants that never took emotional short-cuts along the journey, but stayed steeped in truth and grounded in Your holy Word. May I be as faithful to You, my King, as I discipline my life with Your truth. May Your Word never be far from my side or absent from my mind. I praise You, my King, for the power of Your mighty Word. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.