When Normal is Extraordinary

“I, Daniel was exhausted and lay ill for several days, then I got up and went about the King’s business…” (v27)
Some Thoughts…
   Daniel is given another vision.  This one specifically about Alexander the Great and Antiochus Epiphanies (Kings of Media and Persia, but also a foreshadowing of the evil that would come at the end of time (seev17, 19,26).  Daniel got a view of evil at its finest hour; bringing powerful destruction on all who would oppose it…especially those who would reject following God’s path.  Daniel was sickened by what he saw, his energy was sapped and he was losing his grip on hope (Ecc1:17-18 gives a clue to his situation – “much vexation”).
   But Daniel refused to be consumed by evil.  His actions, though incredibly mundane, held great strides of faith.  “Then I got up and went about the King’s business.”  The king was Belshazzar (v1); he was the worst, and Daniel saw no good in him (ch5:17), yet the man of God went about his duties as a…uh…umm …who knows what Daniel job was…it was one of those duties given to people the king wanted to forget.  But Daniel did what was before him to do, and he did it with all his heart!  He left history in the hands of The History Maker and worked hard to glorify God in the task at hand.  Yes, evil may have its day…it may seem more like a life-time, but when the dust of time settles only those who faced life with faith will stand eye to eye with the Victor…the King of Heaven and Prince of Princes.
 A Prayer…
   Lord, make me stand, serve, and be about my duties until You return, make me faithful to not grovel in my sadness of evil situations. Make me stand and live today for Your Glory and Your Kingdom’s sake.  No matter who seems to be in charge in this present time…I know You, my King reign forever!  Amen.