A Regular Meeting Place…

“…Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before.” (v10b)
Some Thoughts…
   Spiritual discipline is a must for a consistent, God-centered life.  It may at times cost us greatly to maintain our purity and relationship to a holy God in the midst of an impure and Godless culture.  Daniel understood that!  He never wavered in his devotion to God.  Daniel never short-changed God in the area of giving his Lord time to talk, guide and help him live.  His time with God was priority number one, all other relationships and obligations took second place, and many around Daniel hated that (see v4c).  But God was faithful, and never let Daniel be harmed, although accused, sentenced and left for dead, Daniel’s life was safe – for it remained consistently in the hand of the almighty God, the King of Heaven… and earth! 
   I learn an important lesson today…I must never see a “dry devotional” time as useless.  There is a need to keep meeting with God day in and day out – for it is through the consistency of building my relationship with the Almighty by growing in patience and quiet peace that He will, at times, speak in clarity and power to move me forward in life.  He will bring radical change to the immovable world around me.  But I will miss it, I will never recognize His activity, if I do not maintain the discipline of consistently spending time learning to discern His voice from the noise  of the world around me.
 A Prayer…
Father, I am here again today, I’ll be here tomorrow.  I’m listening the best I know how!  I do believe.  I will trust, and no matter if it appears to my frail finite perspective that You remain silent or even distant, I will stick with meeting regularly with You.  I’ll keep listening, and waiting and asking for help!  Thank You for relationship, for grace, and forgiveness…I am Yours… do with me what You will.  Amen.