Read Hebrews 2:5-13
“…Yet at present we do not see everything subject to him, but we see Jesus …” v8-9
“Christ came not just to share our humanity but to transform it.” (Raymond Brown)
Some Thoughts…
The eyes of flesh see the impossible, horrible, discouraging and hopeless state of existence. But, the eyes of faith see Jesus highly exalted and in total control of our present reality and our future eternal existence.
When an honest seeker takes an honest look at the state of affairs in our world; whatever society, culture, or even religious practice he finds, what is found is anything but perfection; anything but divine authority and submission to that authority. It would appear that God has lost! Through time and history evil has taken the victory and we are left vulnerable, weakened, and shaken.
But, taking a deeper gaze into the fabric of the tapestry of time and history we see God quietly moving in the lives of faith-filled folks. We see the advent of education, medicine, running water … air conditioning (not to mention the spread of the Gospel to millions of people)! We see the family of God – the sanctified (those being made holy; set-apart for God’s work – v11) praying that the rule of God would have the authority over this life. … And “Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers.”
A Prayer…
Father, help me to look through eyes of faith and to forever pluck out my eyes of flesh. Help me recognize my place in Your family. Grant me vision to see the task you have set me apart for. Then, Lord, give me more grace to walk with You as we complete the course together. Amen.