Read John 2:1-11
“Do whatever He tells you.” (v5)
Some Thoughts…
Jesus’ first sign to reveal God’s glory in His life was such a small thing in the grander scheme of things. No one was healed or resurrected, just water turned into wine. It went completely un-noticed as a miracle (Except for those who were intended to see it – His disciples). This was a simple (by God’s standards) act of turning the water to wine, he didn’t make a big show, Jesus simply met a need… and in so doing, His disciples’ faith was deepened (see v11).
We find here a great model for prayer:
- Present my need – “they have no more wine” (v3)
- Obey whatever He says, no matter how odd (v5-8)
- Then watch God work (v9-11). And the “miracle” is set in motion by my obedience.
We may ask, “How could pouring water into ceremonial jars do anything? Don’t we need grapes or something?” No, just the power and the glory of God mixed with our faithful obedience even when things don’t make sense. And miraculously the need is met – prayers are answered, and God’s glory is revealed… and our faith is deepened. (v11). Just as C.S. Lewis said, “I do not pray to change God, but to change myself.”
A Prayer…
Father, I need to know your will, and how to walk in it this day, so that you will be glorified. Help me to listen to your still, small voice and take the right steps of obedience. For I realize that, much of the time, You choose to act when I choose to obey. Amen.