Do I know God or do I just know about God?

“And the Lord grieved that He had made Saul King over Israel” (15:35b)

   To make the God and Creator of all things grieve is no little task.  Saul was a little man, spiritually speaking.  He feared what others thought about him more than what God thought (v24).   He blamed others for things he was responsible for.  He was only half obedient to God, which is disobedience in God’s eyes (v18-19).  He was a bold faced liar (v20)!  But, the most significant fault was that he never took the time to get to know God… even after God worked to “change his heart” (10:9) and anoint him King of Israel (10:1) and gave him His Spirit to prophesy and experience God like most did not (10:6); even with all of that, Saul never took time to understand; to know God.  This is evident in his replies to Samuel when Saul called God; “The Lord your God” (v15, 21, 30).  He sounded more like the king of a pagan nation instead of the king of the people of God. 

   I think nothing grieves God more than when those whom He calls, saves, and sets apart choose to ignore Him and never really know Him.
   Father, I want to know you better than I know myself.  Give me a heart that seeks obedience over sacrifice and holiness over popularity.  Forgive me when I make you grieve, and help me love in a way that makes you smile. Help me to obey ALL that You command.  Amen