Seeing things Paul saw….

“I give you this charge …. (v1)”

Some Thoughts…

   When Paul gave his charge to Timothy to “preach the word”, the aging apostle had three things in his mind’s eye that prompted him to give this solemn challenge as if he was standing in the very courtroom of the Most High. 
1)     In light and view of the coming judgment (v1) – do your best to convince and persuade people to turn to God. The end will come with a shout from on High! The Kingdom of God that is only seen in bits and pieces now will explode on the scene.  Jesus is coming again!  He is not returning as a meek lamb, but He will return in power with blazing eyes and an army ready to wage war against anything or anyone who attempts to stand against Him (see Rev. 19:11-16).  So preach the word, my dear sons and daughters in Christ!  Preach as if the lives of those who will listen depend on it (because they do).
2)     In light and view of this present darkness (v3-5) – We live in an evil and corrupt age where people have an “itching ear epidemic” and refuse to learn truth (much less just hear it).  So they seek out people to tell them what they want to learn to ease their consciences and give them excuses for their sin.  In that light, tell the truth, take the unpopular route – never compromise. It will get worse before it gets better.  So while everyone else around you loses their minds, you keep yours (see v5).
3)     In light and view of the end of Paul’s earthly ministry (v6-8) – Paul can see the end and he views his life as an offering poured out before God, a race run as well as he could, and a war fought the right way, but now his reward is becoming clearer and closer every day.  Paul fought like a warrior, finished like a determined athlete, and was faithful like a good steward.  So, pick up the torch, dear Timothy, don’t stop now for the war continues the race is not over.  It is just time to pass the baton.  Run Timothy run!  Fight Timothy, with all your might …be faithful with the treasure God has entrusted to you… it’s your turn now!
  Timothy is gone now too, along with a myriad of women and men who have run well.  Then valiant soldiers of the Cross now stand at the finish line. They cheer us on…  Keep preaching the “foolish” Gospel of Christ, stay prepared, and keep your head when everyone else around you seems to be going mad with modern thought trends and practices.  Don’t be afraid to say the truth, correct when correction is merited, even if you have to get in a person’s face and flat out rebuke them… but never for the pleasure of getting “one-up” on someone… always encourage folks to know Jesus… to Love Jesus, to live from the perspective of HIS good-news-ways and not like this bad-news world we live in.  And when you get frustrated with the work… look to the finish line… remember there is a prize awaiting you as well (see v8)…So RUN till you are out of breath and feel the Spirit fill you up again, FIGHT the good fight until your hands ache with the pain of the battle and  see God heel you… Never give up fellow servant of the Most High… it is all worth it!
A Prayer…
Father, never let me lose sight of these things, help me to see people in need of Your Truth.  Give me your perspective that helps me see You at work in another life, and let me be the one to stand in the gap, to say what no one else will say, make me an instrument of grace in an unforgiving  and graceless world. And when Your plan for me seems too much for me to take, never let me lose sight of YOU!   Never let me give up…Amen.