Read Hosea 6:1-6
“Your love is like the morning mist, like the early dew that disappears.” (v 4b)
Some Thoughts…
I am always surprised at how tragedy drives some people to their knees and crawling back to God, only to watch as they walk away as soon as the dust settles and life gets back to normal. That is the picture that Hosea paints in this passage. God removed Himself, the people’s words appear spiritually reviving, “come let’s return; let’s repent (v 1) and let us know God, let’s press hard to know Him!” (v 3) …But God sees right through our presumptions and our quick-fix prayer mentality. Just look at verse 2 and Israel’s thought that God would quickly restore them in just a few days. They tragically assumed if they jumped through a few religious hoops and did some pennant things that God would be obligated to fix all their problems….
And our loving Father cried, “What can I do with you?”(v4). I can imagine God saying something like…. You just don’t get it! I don’t want a more religious people; I want you to love me like I love you, I don’t want you to just work harder or “press on” to know more about me, I desire that you know me at the core of who you are, that we walk together all the time… What will I have to do to make you mine? Your devotion for me is so dependent on your need. You grow cold faster than last night’s leftovers…my heart burns for you. I desire your love and intimate knowledge of me, not your religious performance.
A Prayer…
Father, I love you. I will love you when things to great or when they fall apart. Whether you crush me or raise me up to new heights. I will love you…Lord make that prayer my reality. Amen.