Another true meaning of Christmas….

“Today, in the town of David a Savior has been born to you…” (v 11)

Some Thoughts…

   It strikes me as strange that Luke’s focus in portion of telling the birth-story of Jesus seems to be centered more on the shepherds than on Mary and Joseph (it is almost as if the three main characters of Mary, Joseph and Jesus could have been played by extras pulled from the streets of Bethlehem).  But as I think about the reason Jesus came and the meaning of the “good news” it makes complete sense…Shepherds were nobodies; even outcasts in their communities.  They were dirty, crude, and socially unacceptable, and God chose them to be his first missionaries (see v17). Their message sank into the heart of Mary like a beautiful treasure and it brought awe-inspired reaction to those who heard the shepherds’ joyful retelling of that incredible night.
   But, what strikes me the most, what blinds my vision this morning is the brilliant light of God’s mercy that stoops to the lowest of lows, that chooses the least of the least.  God surveyed the countryside that night; His eyes moved to and fro throughout that village and the hearts that caught His attention were the lives that everyone else avoided.  And he said to His army of best singing angels, “go tell them…tell them that the Savior – the Messiah – the King of Kings – the emperor of emperors is born…born to them, they will not be left out of my Kingdom…let them in on my divine secret…I see their hearts…I know they will believe”…and they DID believe with great joy (v 15)
A Prayer…
Father, let me see people the way you do, give me a message of joyful hope to speak into the lives of those that society has written off as less than worthy. And the next time I encounter one of the “least of these” help me to listen as closely as Mary did, for they just may be carrying your good news to me.  Amen!

One Response to “Another true meaning of Christmas….”

  1. Donna M says:

    Rick, you should write a devotional book!