A Valentine of shorts from our Heavenly Father….

“How can I give you up, Ephraim?   How can I hand you over, Israel?” (v 8a)

Some Thoughts…

   Scripture is God revealing Himself to anyone who will seek Him.  And in these verses I find the heart of a grieving Father who loves his children deeply.  As I read this chapter, I can almost hear God sigh.  I can imagine his trembling hands and his cheeks wet with grief…”I was there when you took your first steps…like a farmer with his prized heifer, I made life the best possible for your comfort and well being.  Yet you don’t even remember.  (v 1-4) I taught you how to walk and you do not even realize it (v 3).  The more blessing and extravagance I poured out on you, the more you chased after the gifts and not the Gift-Giver…”
   Can you hear the heart of the Father?  He seems to be saying, “It is time for severe punishment.  There are consequences for loving lesser lovers and living life on your own (see v 5-7).  But, oh how it hurts me to see the pain and loss you must endure.  I can’t bare the thought of loosing you, my child (see v8-9), but I will allow you your freedom…
  But, I am coming after you… Like a lion caring for his cubs.  And after you’ve loved the life of the prodigal and you are down to your last dime, you will hear in the distance the strong voice of your Father’s cry and come trembling back to me…for you are my child, and I refuse to let you go.”  (see v9-11)
A Prayer…
Father, I love you too.  May my life never again be a point of anguish for You, I recognize Your loving kindness, I see it daily…and I will (with Your help) walk with You in it.  Amen.