Read Luke 5:1-11
“When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees and said,
“Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!” (v 8)
“When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees and said,
“Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!” (v 8)
Some Thoughts…
What brought on this display of self-loathing and repentant confession? If I had been Peter, I would have been amazed at the incredible amount of fish or possibly excited with the prospect of huge profits for the family business. This miracle could have not been that big of a surprise. Peter had already observed Jesus’ power to heal and cast out demons in his own house. He had heard Jesus teach. What was so special this time?
Well, I can only suppose that Jesus (knowing the hearts of all men) knew where Peter put his trust and hopes for happiness and peace in life. Peter was a proud man, strong in personality, and I’m sure a very self-sufficient man. And like most men found his identity in his job. He was a fisherman, and I feel certain he was a pretty good one. His operation included more than one boat and had partners (see v 7). As Jesus concluded his sermon to the masses (I’m sure a message that dealt with the Kingdom of God and giving up self and stuff for eternity and life in the presence of God), He turns to Peter and looks him in the heart, then begins a personal sermon – just for Peter.
Peter must have doubted Jesus’ power or questioned His power. We can gain that much from his statement in verse 5…maybe his thoughts were something like; “OK, you may know something about spiritual matters of the heart, but this is what I do all the time, I don’t need your help here. Give me a break! I know this lake from shore to shore…there are no fish where you are pointing. But, I’ll do it just to satisfy You, Jesus, after all you did heal my mother-in-law.”
Then the great catch and the ensuing chaos of a catch and when the fish stopped flopping and his heart stopped sinking, Peter realized that this man knew his job better than he did. Peter realized that he needed Jesus for every event of his life. He realized his heart was pitifully sinful in comparison to the God-man that sat in his boat smiling back at him. Peter realized that all the words Jesus had spoken were not high and lofty theology…these words were life spoken from the life-giver…so he turned to the God of the Universe clothed in flesh and begged for mercy.
And what was Jesus’ response? OK now you are ready to follow me…Don’t be afraid to let go of your nets and take hold of my hand…it is time to fish for men.” And Jesus lifted Peter’s eyes to the departing crowd. Follow me…Peter, follow me!
A Prayer…
Dear God Almighty, you look into my soul and see what I cling to for security and you strip it away so that all I have is your hand to hold. May I walk with you today. May I see your hand pointing to the place where I need to cast my net, and may I obey with confidence as you fill the net with souls ready to come to you. I’m twice the sinner Peter ever was, could you use me like you did Him…make me completely yours and remove “me” so that others see You, Dear Jesus…Amen!