The Painful Side of Honesty
Read Daniel 4:19-27
“Then Daniel… was greatly perplexed for a time, and his thoughts terrified him…” v19
Some Thoughts…
A word aptly spoken is often delivered by the most reluctant of messengers. There is never a more difficult time than when you must tell someone you care about the painful truth. And I could imagine how incredibly nerve-racking it would be to stand before your superior and give them “a good talking to” because his conduct is wrong or her thinking is mistaken. One never knows how something like that will go, and many times we care so much for the individual that it hurts us too much to bring them pain.
But God’s word must not be diluted. His truth must never be reduced to comforting devotional thoughts that lift the Spirit, when at times the power of the sword of the Spirit must cut down pride, prejudice, and presumption. But, there is always grace where compassion resides. God purposefully chose Daniel because He knew Daniel would speak with grace, yet not bend on truth. And in so doing he became a tool in the divine Physician’s hand, not only to break the bones of the King, but to reset them to insure proper growth for the future. And that is what God has called us all to be as believers. Ambassadors for Him! Never walking away from a fight for truth, and always speaking with diplomacy and respect…and always willing to stick it out for the long haul…until sanity prevails. (v34)
A Prayer…
Father, may my feelings for those around me never over-power Your deeper feelings of Divine love. May You grant me wisdom to speak Your words of truth in and out of season to lift up the brokenhearted, humble the proud, and always point people to “raise their eyes toward heaven” (v34v) and find life in You! Amen!
checking my self-sufficiency at the door…
Read Daniel 4:28-37
“…and those who walk in pride He is able to humble.” (v37c)
Some Thoughts…
God will not stop until He finishes His work in His chosen people. As much as King Nebuchadnezzar may have thought, he was “the King of his own castle, and as much as he thought that he was the master of his destiny and the maker of his majestic kingdom…he was tragically wrong! God had been as patient and reasonable as divinely necessary with the self-absorbed king, it was now time to take action! So after twelve months (v28); after a full year of opportunity for repentance, God brought about his greatest lesson of humility just moments after this great king spoke the prideful words, “look what I have done!” (see v30-32)
God took the King of Babylon to his lowest possible state, driving him to the brink of insanity for seven years… It took seven years! Then, in a moment of clarity, he looked heavenward, and everything crystallized in that moment of realization that “God is God and I am not!” He “raised his eyes toward heaven, and (his) sanity was restored.” (v34) And through it all, the king never left the hand of God that loved him and God had His way!
There are several reasons for going through hard times; to learn to trust; to endure hardship for God’s glory; to be formed into the image of Jesus; and sometimes just because this world is evil and bad things happen. But after reading this passage, I think for me, the next time I feel like I’m losing my mind with anxiety over hard times, I will look to heaven and check my self-sufficiency level to make sure it is bone dry and my faith-fuel tank is full to overflowing.
A Prayer…
Father, whatever it takes to make me sing your praises, please have Your way. I pray my pride is in its place and humility is overflowing in my life…May I never exalt my minuscule efforts or my minor achievements above You and Your majesty. You alone are God and I will forever serve you …and sing Your praises as I go!. Amen.
Heeding God’s words or suffering the consequences
Read Daniel 4:1-27
“Therefore, O King, be pleased to accept my advice: renounce your sins by doing what is right…” (v27)
Some Thoughts…
God, it seems, prefers to use words. “He prefers to plant a gentle seed in our hearts to create its own free response, rather than taking us in his hands for rougher treatment.” (Ronald S. Wallace – The Message of Daniel p74)
That was His approach with this powerful King. Nebuchadnezzar had a heart for spiritual matters, but an ego too big to submit to truth. God had tormented him with a dream, showed him His Mighty mysterious power in the flames of the white-hot furnace, and the king would not take it to heart. The soil of his soul was not yet fertile enough for the seed of God’s truth. So, God brings another dream. At the height of Nebuchadnezzar’s power, God is going to humble him.
But, first our gracious, Sovereign Father will give this stubborn man one more chance to repent. So, in walks Daniel with God’s message and God’s warning. “Please, oh King, give up your pride and your harsh treatment of others, and don’t attempt to stand another day on the achievements of your own hands! Trust God…for He is the One who is truly in charge, and do it quick before He removes you from ‘your kingdom’.“ But, with some people God has to go to “plan B” – The potter’s approach: working from the outside in… and He did.
A Prayer…
Father, let me hear your truth just once and be changed. Please, take away any pride that would allow me to think that I have the power to achieve anything apart from You. And Lord, never let me stop short of telling the whole truth to those You put before me for guidance…even if, like Daniel, the news brings me “great perplexity” or grief. (v19) In Christ’s Name. Amen.
Am I Blinded by Pride?
Read Daniel 3:19-30
“Then Nebuchadnezzar was furious…” (v19a)
Some Thoughts…

Nebuchadnezzar was attempting to unite all people in a common religion. One that worshiped the works of his hands… And all it took to get him kicking and screaming like a two year old throwing a temper tantrum were 3 men, 3 young men, 3 Jewish-Yahweh followers. And the dream’s message that haunted him returned (see 2:24-45); your feet are like clay (weak and ready to crumble) and God is the ultimate ruler of all things (strong and unstoppable).
So we see the last attempts of pride and arrogance to silence the quiet, humble, steady followers of the Kingdom of God. But God would have the last word; he saw a fourth man (v24-25). This was no longer a dream. It was real! God confronts the king and the king has a choice to make: repent or continue to run to destruction.
God does the unexplainable (They didn’t even smell like smoke – see v26-27) and He did it to prove His power and presence…God is still doing the unexplainable, yet most of us fight to hold on to the kingdoms-of-our-own-construction. And we miss the fourth man. Oh that our eyes could be opened and our minds sharpened to see the unnoticeable presence of the Almighty.
A Prayer…
Father, let me live in the camp of Your Kingdom. Keep me from clinging to the works of my own hands or magnifying the merits of my good behavior. Let me only walk in humble, quiet, peaceful obedience with you. And if flames are in my future, grant me the same boldness of faith you gave your servants that day in Babylon. Amen.
I will trust God… NO MATTER WHAT!
Read Daniel 3:1-18
“But even if he does not, we will not serve your gods…” (V18)
Some Thoughts…
Faith, “no matter what”, is tough to come by. These three men of God knew something that very few of us ever figure out. Obeying God relies very little on reward, or vindication, or even protection. The true people of God just follow His path that He divinely lays before them. Daniel’s three friends knew that idolatry was out of the question in God’s eyes, so they didn’t hesitate or waver in their convictions, they simply obeyed God. They didn’t begin a big protest, or march around with picket signs chanting; “we won’t bow”… They just didn’t comply with the culture’s dictates, and people protested.
But, when called on the carpet, and given one more chance to make it right in the king’s eyes they said so eloquently, yet briefly, “we don’t need to defend ourselves in this matter, you know what we believe, and will stick by it. We trust our God to sustain and protect. But even if he lets us die, we will not worship or serve anything or anyone other than Him.”
And so they went off to the now increased heat of the glowing white-hot furnace. And God was there!
A Prayer…
Father, grant me simple obedient faith that is not swayed by intimidation or the popular movement of society. Keep me firmly planted in the fields of Your Kingdom no matter what, no matter when, no matter who would stand against You. And even if You choose to do nothing to make my present situation more bearable, keep me faithful until the end. Amen.
Promoting Self or Savior?
Read Daniel 2:24-49
“…but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries…” (v28)
Some Thoughts…
I am struck by the incredible humility of Daniel. The king asks, “Are you able to tell me my dream?” (v26) And Daniel’s response is, “No! No one could do what you are asking! It is humanly impossible… but there is a God…” Daniel had the most powerful man in the world at his mercy. He knew the details of the King’s untold dream. And even more impressive, he knew what it meant!
Daniel could have turned this whole meeting into the “Daniel Show” starting with the elite audience of the King then he could have gone global…” Give me your money, you daughters, whatever I want and I’ll keep this horrible thing from happening,” he could have really used this to promote himself. But not Daniel, not the honorable servant of the most-high God! For, he knew better. He understood the meaning of the dream. God is in control. “He changes times and seasons. He sets up kings and deposes them.” (V21)
Daniel’s faith in his sovereign Lord kept him humble and gave him proper perspective for living. Daniel knew that the Rock of Ages would one day come and remove temporary powers and rulers so that His righteous Kingdom would reign forever. Even before Jesus came the first time, Daniel could see His second and triumphant return… The King is coming! We’ve got to get the word out!
A Prayer…
Father, give me vision like Daniel that keeps life in perspective and YOU on YOUR throne. Please never let me be presumptuous enough to think that I am in control of anything or that I can do anything of value apart from the indwelling of Your Spirit of Grace and Power. Jesus keep my eyes focused on your status as KING OF KINGS and don’t let me forget that You are forever in control. Amen.
Living life from the other side….
Read Daniel 2:1-25
“… Nebuchadnezzar had dreams, his mind was troubled and he could not sleep.” (V1)
Some Thoughts…
I love to see the comparison of a person led by God and a person “leading the world”…comparisons like Jesus and Pilate, Saul and David, and this case the King of Babylon and his servant Daniel. Nebuchadnezzar had it all: More money than he could spend, living on the lap of luxury, possessing power unlike that of most anyone else in the world. When He spoke people snapped to attention. Yet, he was troubled to the point that he had no rest. Although he was powerful, his insecurities grew to the point that they ruled his own sovereignty. He because delusional. He began threatening (v5) and bargaining (v6) to get some relief from his agony… but when he saw that he had no power over this “other-worldly” power that haunted him, he went blind with rage (v8-9), planning to destroy the only folks that could offer any help. Although he seemed to have it all on the outside, he was bankrupt on the inside.
Daniel, on the other hand, had lost all that he held dear. Taken from his homeland by force, brought in to a culture that was hostile to all that he held dear, he found himself alone and serving a madman that could snap at any moment. Yet, he was calm, he kept his head, when everyone else was panicking and trembling in fear for their lives, Daniel trusted God. He walked right into the chamber of the unstable King and “spoke to him with wisdom and tact.” (v14-16) No flowery sentiments, no promises, just calm assurance to defuse the situation and give God time to work. Then Daniel did what we must all do to get direction for every day. He prayed and asked his friends to do the same.
Although Daniel may have been stripped of all his securities on the outside, on the inside he was anchored to God. He trusted God’s provision and providence (see v19-23)…he was rich and secure in his inner man. What a difference faith in the One True God makes!
A Prayer…
Father, let me live like Daniel, assessing every situation through the filter of faith in You. Help my first reaction to any situation (big or little, terrifying or trivial) to be to turn to You in prayer, praise, and total dependence. Amen.
“I thank and praise You, O God of my fathers.
You have made known to me what we asked of You;
You have made known to us the dream of the king.” (v23)
Do I trust God’s Truth or Cultural Trends?
Read Daniel 1:8-21
“Please test your servants for ten days.” (v12)
Some Thoughts…
God’s ways confound culture every time! The chief official was a compassionate man (no doubt because of the hand of God – see v9). Yet when Daniel came with his request to cut something that seemed culturally essential for the better life, the official was concerned. Because he was sure that they would not be as healthy if they didn’t eat the “finest” cuisine that Babylon had to offer. “Why should he see you looking worse…? “ (v10b). But, Daniel did not stand on the shifting sand of cultural taboos or socially acceptable behaviors. NO! He stood by God and His truth.
So Daniel made the official a deal. Test us! Better yet, let us test the culture…let’s see which way is better… and of course, God’s ways are always better; “They looked healthier and better nourished than any of the young men.” (v15).
But before we throw out the “baby” of culture with the “bathwater” of status quo let’s be clear about something. God does call us to live in the world and be not “of” the world. So let’s not forget that Daniel was an incredible man and became an incredible servant of the King of a pagan culture. God even gave Daniel the knowledge and understanding “of all kinds of literature and learning” (v17). Yet Daniel and his three friends began to shine like stars on a dark night in a culture that was as spiritually dark as it could be… (“Ten times better” v20). But they never allowed culture to compromise even the smallest truth of God, and God blessed Daniel with longevity of life (see v 21- He out lived 3 monarchs). What a great example of living fully connected to God so that he influenced his culture instead of being influenced by its passing trends.
A Prayer…
Lord, allow me to inter-face with the world I live in with relevance and wisdom. Teach me to embrace truth of all kinds (as long as it is truth) and give me the boldness to shun lies and cultural folklore. Keep my life firmly planted on the Rock of my salvation. But make me active in the world around me so that Your truth can combat the world’s lies through my life as your Spirit fills me with power to live above the status quo… Amen.
After all, its the little things in life…
Read Daniel 1:3-8
“But Daniel resolved not to defile himself
with the royal food and wine…” (V8)
with the royal food and wine…” (V8)
Some Thoughts…
The first stand for God in the life of Daniel seems trivial. It was just food, for crying out loud! Yet Daniel saw something different taking place. He saw the identity of God’s people being engulfed by a powerfully seductive culture…a culture of inclusion and (for that time in history) tolerance. King Nebuchadnezzar wanted to train the best and the brightest of the Jewish younger generation in the way of the “better” Babylonian lifestyle. And many of God’s people were giving up hope, cashing in the faith of their fathers for the latest tide-surge in the ebbs and flows of cultural acceptance…
BUT DANIEL, standing virtually alone, says, “NO! I will not forsake my God. I am OK learning new things, I am OK with my new conditions, Babylon is OK for now, but I will not give up on my God. I will obey Him first and foremost.” I believe that if Daniel and his three friends had not stood in this little matter, that the big tests of hungry lions and fiery furnaces would have never come. God was preparing these young men to be major influences for Him. So, I suppose, the character of a follower of the King of Kings is forged on the floor of the mundane and “little things”.
A Prayer…
Father, make me more conscious of the daily tests of faith to forge my faith into a strong shield to defend me as I stand with You to champion Your Kingdom and Your Gospel. Amen
When it looks like evil is winning…
Read Daniel 1:1-4
“And the Lord delivered Jehoiakim, King of Judah into his hand…” (v 2)
Some Thoughts…
I am reminded again this morning of the unstoppable will of Almighty God. As strong and powerful as the Babylonians and King Nebuchadnezzar may have been it was the Lord that allowed this pagan (yet sympathetic to God’s people) King to take Judean leadership into captivity. It would have appeared that all the promises of God had been broken, that the hope of Israel would have been dashed on the rocks of harsh reality; it looked like the God of Abraham was dead…at least to the near-sighted human eye.
But the truth of the matter was that God was still in control! He was still in the process of molding His people and reaching the world. It was time to shake up and shake out those who casually relied on their heritage instead of truly trusting in God. It was time to remove the unfaithful from the faithful. Everything would be stripped away except their raw faith…and those who truly believed would rise to the surface. Yes, God was in control! (see v9, v17) And today, when it would seem that He is absent and removed from my pain and silent to my questions and petitions. But He is there; He is still in control. So, I will believe and obey like Daniel and his friends.
A Prayer…
Father, You reign! You rule the world! You control all of History! There is not a single world event that you are unaware of. You are at work. That is my confession of faith this morning…and I will trust in You. Amen.
Nations may rage…Kings may force their power…
But You, my God rules from hour to hour!