Praying on the Armor of God


Today’s Bible reading reminded me of  a thing I wrote to help me pray through the armor of God.  I hope it is helpful to you too.
Praying on the armor….
·         I know there is a war…
·         I’m powerless against Satan’s evil schemes…
·         I ask You for Your power today…
(“Be strong in the Lord”  – a passive imperative)
 Help me Put on Your FULL Armor….
Character of Christ:
(The Belt of Truth)
Wrap your truth around me and make it such a part of me that I am the same in public as I am in private.  Give me Your integrity today.
(The Breastplate of Righteousness)
Because you have made all that was wrong in me right, help me do what is right today no matter the cost. Give me Your nobility today.
Attitude of Christ:
(Gospel Boots)
Help me live today Ready to show Your grace to anyone, because of the peace you brought to me. To go where you tell me to go and stay where you tell me to stay…
(Shield of Faith)
Help me live by faith, trusting YOU for what I can’t see or understand. Empower me to trust you in such a way that the flames of the enemy’s accusations and temptations will be drenched and quickly extinguished by your living water…
(Helmet of Salvation)
Grant me Your salvation attitude so that I’ll find joyful confidence because I know I’m saved…. even when I feel so very lost and confused.
Presence of Christ:
(Sword of the Spirit)
As I spend time in your word today, I pray that I will carry your word into my day, finding guidance and moment by moment leadership in your Spirit. Help me be ready to use it as a weapon to defeat the enemy in face to face combat on the battlefield of life.
I need you all the time Lord, so help me to PRACTICE YOUR PRESENCE; constantly acknowledging you, talking with you all the time, praying for other believers and the advancement of the Gospel into the life of one more soul in need of You  today.

Give me simple faith like Mary!

“Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!” (v45)
Some Thoughts…
   I have often wondered, “What was it about Mary that made her so special?  Why did God see fit to choose this unknown teen living on the back-side of the Jewish landscape?”  Well this morning, God has seen fit to give me some insight into some of the reasons for His choice.
  1. She was humble.  I find it striking that Luke records her confusion over Gabriel’s greeting along with the fear that must have gripped her at just the sight of the heavenly messenger, she was “troubled at his words” (v29)  “How could it be that I am highly favored?” she must have thought,  “I’m just a peasant girl…”  Can you imagine?  There is this massive angelic figure and Mary is more concerned with what he SAID than afraid of what he might do to her!  She couldn’t imagine that God would “highly favor” her.  – God’s grace goes to the humble and resists the proud!
  2. She was filled up with faith – she did not even question the promised Messiah’s coming – she seems sure that His coming is inevitable; unlike Zechariah’s doubting question that brought punishment, Mary’s inquisitive question was “I believe Messiah will come, but how could I be the mother, I’m a virgin…how will God do it?”
    (v 34, 45)
  3. She was willing to submit to the Lord immediately.  “May it be just like God says…” I am an available servant to my King! (v 38)  She didn’t hesitate; she didn’t “pull a Moses” and list her insufficient qualifications; she simply submitted and agreed.
  4. She possessed the heart-beat of God – mercy – As we hear the beautiful song of Mary’s heart (the “Magnificat”) in verses 46-55, we can see quickly that she understood God’s agenda – Mercy to the humble, fulfillment for the empty and place of belonging for the rejected. But confusion and emptiness for those who were full of pride, worldly power, and self absorbed thinking.
 God’s highly favored one was ready for God’s work.  She was willing to be a co-laborer in the court of our gracious King…and all she could do was rejoice and glorify her Savior to whom she would soon give birth (v46-48).
 A Prayer…
Father, I find myself much more like Zechariah than Mary; quick to doubt and slow to get on board with your calling.  May I, today, begin a new faith walk that doesn’t ask, “Could it be?” but instead only asks, “How will God go about doing what is going to happen?”  Let my heart be a servant’s heart ready and willing to submit to your will today.  Amen.

Am I becoming a product of my culture or a follower of my KING?

“…he was greatly distressed to see that the city was full of idols.” v16

Some Thoughts…

   As Paul waited for Timothy and Silas to join him, I’m sure he was pretty low in the morale department.  I wonder if he was discouraged of recent events of being opposed and pursued by Godless men.  Whatever his state of mind we know his emotions had reached a boiling point as he made his way through the streets of Athens.  Observing all the idols and the hopeless worship of these man-made images brought Paul to an even greater distress maybe even anger (or righteous-jealous-indignation).  So, as a one-man crusader for Christ, he set out to tell the Athenians the truth of God in Christ.  He went to the synagogues, the market places, and the intellectual ranks using different methods of presentation in hopes of convincing anyone who would listen … and some listen.
   As I sit here this morning considering the life of the great Apostle, and imagining in my mind’s eye his situation, courage, and resolve, not to mention his deep devotion, love and relationship with God, I am struck with the hardening of my heart.  I’ve lived in “Athens” too long.  I’ve learned to justify idol-like objects in my life, in my culture, even in the church.  I find that I’m not moved like Paul to do all I can to rescue those blinded around me.  I know if I had been in Paul’s situation, I would have laid low and waited for my companions.  I would have probably even indulged in a little “Athenian pleasure” – no body would know … right?  But to think to go into every issue I could find knowing that the truth would stir things up.  Well, I just don’t think I would have done a thing….. So I repent as I attempt to follow Paul’s example and Christ leadership.
A Prayer…
   Father, forgive me for my justification of my culture, for fearing people more than You, for loving fleshly indulgence more than holy living.  Dear God, make me more like Your Son.  Give me a righteous jealousy for your truths, for real life and not the counterfeits that crop up day by day.  Make me like Paul; not like his personality – You’ve instilled in me a different personality type of which I’m content and grateful, but like Paul in motivation and vision and zeal for Your ways, our Lord.  Create in me a clean heart, oh God. Amen.

Am I restlessly RELIGIOUS or have I entered into a relentless RELATIONSHIP?

“But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.” 5:14

Some Thoughts…

   It is easy to get lost, or to be consumed by this passage of scripture.  Every time I read 6:4-6 I am troubled, even frightened at the prospect of a loved one, friend, and even myself “falling away” from God with little to no hope of restoration … but today my fear has led me to God’s wisdom (I hope) as I notice the flow of the entire passage from 5:11 to 6:8; these verses form a parentheses from the author’s main discussion and exposition of Christ’s suffering and mighty salvation-work.  They are here to point out a need for maturity, a need to go deeper into real relationship with God and away from religious trappings.   Hebrews was written to struggling Jewish believers, some of whom were returning to the comforts of Judaism.  They were giving up on Jesus, so the author calls on them to go deeper, to grow, to move beyond the exteriors of baptism, ceremonial washings, laying on of hands, even questions about resurrection and good deeds to receive salvation, and to move to a lifestyle of discipline; a faith-life characterized by obeying God, seeking His truth and putting into day to day use God’s word (“by constant use have trained themselves to…” 5:14).
   For without the deeper faith-life, without a relationship with the Creator over a religion of deeds, they will soon turn on all this “Jesus stuff” and openly curse the name of the ONE they claimed to have trusted. They will become active in rebellious slander of the kingdom. “That religious stuff just doesn’t do it for me” will become their catch-phrase. Then the writer of Hebrews gives us this frightening thought in verse 4.  That in their resistance to knowing God fully in Christ beyond the religious trapping of “do-this-and-don’t-do-that” religion, they will never be able to find grace; their hearts will grow more calloused.  The lie of the enemy will become their truth and their lives will bear the fruit of the futility of their hearts – hearts unwilling to receive God’s word; hearts so hard that the water of life cannot be absorbed.  And, the Celestial Gardener will abandon those fields to be burned and never used again. (Reread 6:7-8… Also, see the parable of the soils in Matthew 13:3-29)…. When we choose the comfort of religious deeds over a radical relationship of obedience and faith in the unseen God, we play a perilous game that brings tears to the eyes of our Savior. (see Matt. 23:37-39)
A Prayer…

   Father, by Your grace make me grow, help me to feed on the meat of your word, not to continue to be satisfied with the warm milk of Salvation information.  Make me go deeper, to accept the “hard teaching” of Your Kingdom and enable me to walk with you in faith as you grow me into a man after your own heart.

Am I following where God leads?

“… having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia.” 6b
“That invasion of Europe was not on the mind of Paul, but it was evidently on the mind of the Spirit.”
Dr. Campbell Morgan

Some Thoughts…

   How does the Lord lead us?  It seems to me that many times in today’s Christian circles, God gets the blame for a lot of questionable things.  I often hear people say, “The Lord told me to …” or “God gave me a word of wisdom about …”
    I don’t know… I don’t want to quench the movement of the Spirit of the Most High, but I wonder… how does God lead us?  I find comfort (and a little direction) from these verses.  Here we have Paul and Silas being led by God in what seems to be some fairly practical ways.  They attempt to enter the region of Asia, but were “kept” by the Holy Spirit in some way or circumstance.  They couldn’t go that way and the recognized it as the leading of the Holy Spirit, so they moved on. Then the Spirit of Jesus (v7) wouldn’t allow them to cross other borders, so they moved on again.  Then the “Macedonian Vision” (either a dream or maybe a person actually came to them at night… who knows!)  Paul and Silas put it all together and now along with Dr. Luke (we know Luke is with them now in the story because the language changes form “them” to “we” – see v10) go preach the gospel in Macedonia. And the invasion of Europe begins!
   No signs from Heaven, no star to follow, just circumstances and dreams put in the lives of the men of God, two men who were seeking truth and following their Master wherever He may lead.  They simply paid attention to what was going on around them, kept their faith in Christ central to all they did … and somehow, God led them.
   God led them because they trusted Him to lead.  No matter the circumstances or the outcome (which would soon turn violent), they followed in faithful dependence on the very spiritually real presence of Jesus Himself (v7).  God led them, and His purposes and plan were moved forward.
A Prayer…
   Father, give me a disposition to listen and watch.  Help me see with Spirit-filled faith-effectual eyes and divinely enhanced learning aids.  Grant me wisdom from above and boldness from within to stand where many fall. Give me purity in my inner man, root out all fleshly desires that attempt to rule me and be King of my heart and soul.  Lead on, Oh Great Jehovah, lead on!  In Jesus Name, Amen

What am I looking for?

“…Yet at present we do not see everything subject to him, but we see Jesus …” v8-9
“Christ came not just to share our humanity but to transform it.”  (Raymond Brown)

Some Thoughts…

   The eyes of flesh see the impossible, horrible, discouraging and hopeless state of existence.  But, the eyes of faith see Jesus highly exalted and in total control of our present reality and our future eternal existence.
   When an honest seeker takes an honest look at the state of affairs in our world; whatever society, culture, or even religious practice he finds, what is found is anything but perfection; anything but divine authority and submission to that authority.  It would appear that God has lost!  Through time and history evil has taken the victory and we are left vulnerable, weakened, and shaken.
  But, taking a deeper gaze into the fabric of the tapestry of time and history we see God  quietly moving in the lives of faith-filled folks. We see the advent of education, medicine, running water … air conditioning (not to mention the spread of the Gospel to millions of people)!  We see the family of God – the sanctified (those being made holy; set-apart for God’s work – v11) praying that the rule of God would have the authority over this life. … And “Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers.”
A Prayer…
Father, help me to look through eyes of faith and to forever pluck out my eyes of flesh.  Help me recognize my place in Your family.  Grant me vision to see the task you have set me apart for.  Then, Lord, give me more grace to walk with You as we complete the course together.  Amen.

God doesn’t do Amazing things just to show off… There is a purpose

“Now they were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every Nation under heaven.” (v8)
“Amazed and perplexed they asked one another, “What does this mean?” (v12)

Some Thoughts…

   I cannot escape God’s purpose!  It seems to leap from every verse of the Book of Acts.  Even in the coming of the Holy Spirit, with a loud noise and “wind-like” phenomenon and the personal touch of the “fire-like” tongues.  It appears to me God shouted from Heaven, “Tell every one!  Leave no one, no nation out!  I have come to redeem my creation!”  Every one of the 120 was enabled to speak a native tongue (of which Galileans were famous for not being able do v7).  And what did they speak of?  They spoke of the wonders of God; God’s activity in the world to bring about His purpose! And the fact that they could speak in every language on the known world at that moment with all those seekers in ear-shot hints to God’s global mission to save anyone who will believe… And God had the people’s attention (v12).
   The purpose of God – what is it?  To redeem a fallen world, and in every instance and every generation of His church, God says there are to be witnesses of Him to win the hearts of fallen humanity.  God never just shows His earthly followers some “cool” miracle or gives him some “heart-warming” devotional thought – NO, He directs them to the tasks, He empowers them to speak, He corrects their focus.  Then His purpose to redeem the world is accomplished.
(Side Note to God’s unstoppable purpose:  See Acts 27-28 – nothing could stop Paul from reaching Rome!)
A Prayer…
   Father, here I am.  Send me.

God answers my prayers; my obedience to His answer is the place where miracles happen.

“Do whatever He tells you.” (v5)
Some Thoughts…
   Jesus’ first sign to reveal God’s glory in His life was such a small thing in the grander scheme of things. No one was healed or resurrected, just water turned into wine.  It went completely un-noticed as a miracle (Except for those who were intended to see it – His disciples). This was a simple (by God’s standards) act of turning the water to wine, he didn’t make a big show, Jesus simply met a need… and in so doing, His disciples’ faith was deepened (see v11).
   We find here a great model for prayer: 

  1. Present my need – “they have no more wine” (v3)
  2. Obey whatever He says, no matter how odd (v5-8)
  3.  Then watch God work (v9-11). And the “miracle” is set in motion by my obedience.

   We may ask, “How could pouring water into ceremonial jars do anything?  Don’t we need grapes or something?”   No, just the power and the glory of God mixed with our faithful obedience even when things don’t make sense. And miraculously the need is met – prayers are answered, and God’s glory is revealed… and our faith is deepened. (v11).  Just as C.S. Lewis said, “I do not pray to change God, but to change myself.”
A Prayer…
   Father, I need to know your will, and how to walk in it this day, so that you will be glorified.  Help me to listen to your still, small voice and take the right steps of obedience.  For I realize that, much of the time, You choose to act when I choose to obey.  Amen.

Everything is Beautiful…

He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the hearts of men, yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” (v11)

Some Thoughts…

   Everything has its place in time.  (even the final day of judgment – see Revelation 14:14-15)  God has designated it to be so.  Things and situations that appear horrific and mortifying like war, killing, and death…God makes beautiful somehow in the bigger picture of His story.  Yet, what He has made beautiful is for me a burden if I will attempt to find its beauty on my own with my limited perspective.  I am human; trapped in my time zone.  And although God has created me in His image with eternal things buried deep inside me, I know that there has got to be something more than an endless cycle of history repeating itself and family after family falling apart…season coming and going corporations and kingdoms rising and falling…the cycle of insanity that we call life can drive me crazy.
   But, I’m just too close to God’s artwork.  His big picture is really, reallybig.  It is so big that although in my heart I know God has made a beautiful work of art out of this planet’s history, I can’t see it.  I’m too close; all I see are meaningless lines and shapes that seem to repeat themselves over and over and over.  But if I could move back…way back …a God-sized step back, then I could see.  From eternity’s side of time, it all makes perfect sense…more than logical, it’s beautiful.  I see this crazy endless cycle of history seeming only to repeat itself…God sees it all from the beginning of light’s explosion into creation to the end of every nation, tribe and tongue standing before His throne.
   God has done it all (v14), and I will pursue and worship Him…I’ll lay down my questions, at least for a moment, and worship Him.
A Prayer…
Father of all time, You stand outside of my limitations…and yet you step inside them to reveal Yourself to me.  You are the eternal artist, storyteller, master craftsman…it all looks good to you – beautiful.  Give me eternal eyes so I can catch a glimpse of your beauty today.  Amen.

Do I know God or do I just know about God?

“And the Lord grieved that He had made Saul King over Israel” (15:35b)

   To make the God and Creator of all things grieve is no little task.  Saul was a little man, spiritually speaking.  He feared what others thought about him more than what God thought (v24).   He blamed others for things he was responsible for.  He was only half obedient to God, which is disobedience in God’s eyes (v18-19).  He was a bold faced liar (v20)!  But, the most significant fault was that he never took the time to get to know God… even after God worked to “change his heart” (10:9) and anoint him King of Israel (10:1) and gave him His Spirit to prophesy and experience God like most did not (10:6); even with all of that, Saul never took time to understand; to know God.  This is evident in his replies to Samuel when Saul called God; “The Lord your God” (v15, 21, 30).  He sounded more like the king of a pagan nation instead of the king of the people of God. 

   I think nothing grieves God more than when those whom He calls, saves, and sets apart choose to ignore Him and never really know Him.
   Father, I want to know you better than I know myself.  Give me a heart that seeks obedience over sacrifice and holiness over popularity.  Forgive me when I make you grieve, and help me love in a way that makes you smile. Help me to obey ALL that You command.  Amen