checking my self-sufficiency at the door…

“…and those who walk in pride He is able to humble.” (v37c)
Some Thoughts…
   God will not stop until He finishes His work in His chosen people.  As much as King Nebuchadnezzar may have thought, he was “the King of his own castle, and as much as he thought that he was the master of his destiny and the maker of his majestic kingdom…he was tragically wrong!  God had been as patient and reasonable as divinely necessary with the self-absorbed king, it was now time to take action!  So after twelve months (v28); after a full year of opportunity for repentance, God brought about his greatest lesson of humility just moments after this great king spoke the prideful words, “look what I have done!” (see v30-32)
   God took the King of Babylon to his lowest possible state, driving him to the brink of insanity for seven years… It took seven years!  Then, in a moment of clarity, he looked heavenward, and everything crystallized in that moment of realization that “God is God and I am not!”  He “raised his eyes toward heaven, and (his) sanity was restored.” (v34)  And through it all, the king never left the hand of God that loved him and God had His way!
   There are several reasons for going through hard times; to learn to trust; to endure hardship for God’s glory; to be formed into the image of Jesus; and sometimes just because this world is evil and bad things happen.  But after reading this passage, I think for me, the next time I feel like I’m losing my mind with anxiety over hard times, I will look to heaven and check my self-sufficiency level to make sure it is bone dry and my faith-fuel tank is full to overflowing.
 A Prayer…
Father, whatever it takes to make me sing your praises, please have Your way.  I pray my pride is in its place and humility is overflowing in my life…May I never exalt my minuscule efforts or my minor achievements above You and Your majesty. You alone are God and I will forever serve you …and sing Your praises as I go!.  Amen.