Read I Peter 1:1-2
“Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ… To God’s elect strangers in the world, scattered” (v 1a)
Some Thoughts…
A simple yet profound introduction to a letter written to anyone who has desired to accept God’s gift of salvation…written by one who had spent quality time with the Savior of the world…Peter was there! But I get ahead of myself…A couple of things I see as I begin this study:
1) The Power of the Apostle’s words:
Peter’s description of himself is brief, but it says much that I need to hear. He was given insight I can’t possess, authority I’ll never be granted, and the experience of walking and talking with Jesus in ways I will never have. I need to take careful note of how he says Jesus wants me to live…so I check my perspective at the door and sit at the feet of one who actually lived and breathed the same air as my Savior.
2) The Position and Placement of All Believers:
Our Position – We are God’s people! Not some after-thought of God because of the Jews’ rejecting of their Messiah. Not at all; we were chosen before time began. We are children of Abraham because of our faith in Jesus…and that position needs to make all the difference in the way I choose to live every moment of my life. (We are specially chosen out of the world by God, cleansed by His Spirit and sprinkled with the blood of His son. Each of these images has Old Testament significance and is Peter’s way of pointing to the New Covenant in Christ. (See Exodus 24:8 for an example) We are not an after-thought – we are part of God’s plan!
Our Placement – We are scattered strangers in the world! We are scattered like the people of Israel into all nations where we long for our home just as they did. (Some call this the new “diasporas”)…So how do we live? As “strangers” – or “resident aliens”, we sense the fact that we are here for a while, and although it is not home, we will live as model citizens, law-abiding, and contributing positively to the world we live in…we are ambassadors in a foreign land…a land that (ironically) we were promised…but even more we long for an eternal home…and so we wait for His return but our waiting is not passive because we know that we belong to God and He is calling us and expecting us to live like we are His people.
So we begin the study of the great Apostle’s
“traveler’s guide for Christian pilgrims”
“Blessed are those whose strength is in You, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage.” Psalm 84:5
A Prayer…
Father, I am not living in the reality of who I am in Christ (or who we are collectively as God’s people) I lack the joy and passion that I read of in Your word…So I ask for faith and vision to see it the way You do…and to live fully as a citizen of Heaven on assignment on planet earth…may I find joy in the journey, courage in the battle, and hope in the darkness to live my life fully for Your glory and honor and fame. Amen