Do I trust God’s Truth or Cultural Trends?

“Please test your servants for ten days.” (v12)

Some Thoughts…
God’s ways confound culture every time!   The chief official was a compassionate man (no doubt because of the hand of God – see v9).  Yet when Daniel came with his request to cut something that seemed culturally essential for the better life, the official was concerned.  Because he was sure that they would not be as healthy if they didn’t eat the “finest” cuisine that Babylon had to offer.  “Why should he see you looking worse…? “ (v10b).  But, Daniel did not stand on the shifting sand of cultural taboos or socially acceptable behaviors.  NO!  He stood by God and His truth.  
So Daniel made the official a deal.  Test us!  Better yet, let us test the culture…let’s see which way is better… and of course, God’s ways are always better; “They looked healthier and better nourished than any of the young men.” (v15).   
But before we throw out the “baby” of culture with the “bathwater” of status quo let’s be clear about something. God does call us to live in the world and be not “of” the world.  So let’s not forget that Daniel was an incredible man and became an incredible servant of the King of a pagan culture.   God even gave Daniel the knowledge and understanding “of all kinds of literature and learning” (v17).  Yet Daniel and his three friends began to shine like stars on a dark night in a culture that was as spiritually dark as it could be… (“Ten times better” v20).  But they never allowed culture to compromise even the smallest truth of God, and God blessed Daniel with longevity of life (see v 21- He out lived 3 monarchs). What a great example of living fully connected to God so that he influenced his culture instead of being influenced by its passing trends.
A Prayer…
Lord, allow me to inter-face with the world I live in with relevance and wisdom.  Teach me to embrace truth of all kinds (as long as it is truth) and give me the boldness to shun lies and cultural folklore.  Keep my life firmly planted on the Rock of my salvation.   But make me active in the world around me so that Your truth can combat the world’s lies through my life as your Spirit fills me with power to live above the status quo…  Amen.