Faith at Christmas Time

Read Luke 2:21-40“Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts…” (v27)

Some Thoughts…
I am intrigued by the life and faith of Simeon. An old man who the Bible tells me was full of the Holy Spirit. Jesus has yet to die and ascend to allow the fullness of the Spirit’s presence, yet the man of deep faith and diligent watchfulness was “moved by the Spirit” to enter the temple that day. I’m sure, not for the first time; one can only imagine the hours and days this aging gentleman had spent in prayer and worship in the temple pleading for comfort and the consolation of his people and his own soul…but something was different that day as he felt a push to enter the house of God. He must have lingered in the court of women and not moved to where only the man could go; and then he saw it…he saw HIM! Messiah wrapped in a baby blanket…yet he knows this is Him – salvation for us all Gentiles, Jews, slave or free. The light has broken into darkness!..: The prophesy of Jesus’ life-giving life flowed from his lips to the astounded ears of Jesus’ parents even a jolting prediction of the power many would feel and the rejections, and reaction that many would have for Jesus. Even though He would offer himself for all, not all will have him…then a joyfully funny thing happens, as is so often the case with Kingdom people. God moved in the listening ear of the 84 year old widow, prophetess, Anna, who can do nothing less than her title says, she begins to point Jesus out to every worshiper that stood around that day in the temple. I’m sure this was quite a fiasco…one of which Joseph and Mary must have wished to avoid (v39-40). But God’s Glory cannot be avoided among His seeking people…and all this commotion began because of one man’s willingness to be moved by God’ s Spirit; not to do some great act of charity, just to simply enter the temple courts and see what God was doing… And the message of salvation is passed on from shepherds on the streets to prophets in the temple…Salvation for all people!

A Prayer…
Father, as the mundane overtakes my habits, may I always be listening to you speak, feeling you move me, and looking around to see your salvation at work in the lives of those you dwell in. Give me “Old Faith” that will not quit, like Simeon. A faith that will take the most mundane and routine steps and see everything differently Amen.