Read Luke 1:26-56
“Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!” (v45)
Some Thoughts…
I have often wondered, “What was it about Mary that made her so special? Why did God see fit to choose this unknown teen living on the back-side of the Jewish landscape?” Well this morning, God has seen fit to give me some insight into some of the reasons for His choice.
- She was humble. I find it striking that Luke records her confusion over Gabriel’s greeting along with the fear that must have gripped her at just the sight of the heavenly messenger, she was “troubled at his words” (v29) “How could it be that I am highly favored?” she must have thought, “I’m just a peasant girl…” Can you imagine? There is this massive angelic figure and Mary is more concerned with what he SAID than afraid of what he might do to her! She couldn’t imagine that God would “highly favor” her. – God’s grace goes to the humble and resists the proud!
- She was filled up with faith – she did not even question the promised Messiah’s coming – she seems sure that His coming is inevitable; unlike Zechariah’s doubting question that brought punishment, Mary’s inquisitive question was “I believe Messiah will come, but how could I be the mother, I’m a virgin…how will God do it?”
(v 34, 45) - She was willing to submit to the Lord immediately. “May it be just like God says…” I am an available servant to my King! (v 38) She didn’t hesitate; she didn’t “pull a Moses” and list her insufficient qualifications; she simply submitted and agreed.
- She possessed the heart-beat of God – mercy – As we hear the beautiful song of Mary’s heart (the “Magnificat”) in verses 46-55, we can see quickly that she understood God’s agenda – Mercy to the humble, fulfillment for the empty and place of belonging for the rejected. But confusion and emptiness for those who were full of pride, worldly power, and self absorbed thinking.
God’s highly favored one was ready for God’s work. She was willing to be a co-laborer in the court of our gracious King…and all she could do was rejoice and glorify her Savior to whom she would soon give birth (v46-48).
A Prayer…
Father, I find myself much more like Zechariah than Mary; quick to doubt and slow to get on board with your calling. May I, today, begin a new faith walk that doesn’t ask, “Could it be?” but instead only asks, “How will God go about doing what is going to happen?” Let my heart be a servant’s heart ready and willing to submit to your will today. Amen.