Read Hebrews 11:30-38
“…For time would fail me to tell of Gideon and Barak and Samson and Jephthah also of David and Samuel and the prophets. (v. 32)
“…For time would fail me to tell of Gideon and Barak and Samson and Jephthah also of David and Samuel and the prophets. (v. 32)
Some Thoughts…
What incredible encouragement is hidden in these few verses! After telling us about some larger than life faithful folks, the writer of Hebrews turns to those less than noble: a harlot – Rahab, a harlot’s son – Jephtha, women chasers – David, Samson, the bottom of the bottom of the social gene pool – Gideon, etc. These people believed God was who He said He was, and their lives changed accordingly; they obeyed and with God’s power did amazing things. Some of them, in the midst of their journey with God failed miserably, but even in failure they never turned from God, even in their weakness they never cursed their Creator. With failure, they kept going, and for that God numbered them with the Saints.
God’s Kingdom is full of this world’s rejects and weakling. Our Lord loves to lavish His grace on the imperfect and inconsistent, in order to recreate a sinner into a saint. The catalyst is a believing heart that never stops believing God is, was, and will be who He promised to be and that He truly delivers His people. No matter what may appear to be reality, God will complete His work and His plan will come to pass.
A Prayer…
Father, here I am in my weakness, yet I believe and I put all I am at Your disposal, use what you can for your glory! Amen.