God waits on our acts of faith

Read Book Daniel 9:4-19
“…We do not make requests of You because we are righteous, but because of Your great mercy.” (v18b)
Some Thoughts…
   There was Daniel at the time of the evening sacrifices (v21), deep into a study of the Prophet Jeremiah and the truth of God cuts into his soul.  I wonder if he was thinking something like; “What a messed up deal! Here we are with no way to atone for our sins, and we are so full of it! From the highest religious leader, to the least child in a crib, we are still living in rebellion to our God!”  (see v5-6, v8-11)…what a mess!” 
   Then somewhere in his grief it hits Daniel… “but God is a merciful God, I know it, I’ve experienced His hand, even here in Babylon.  He is bigger than the sacrificial system.  He can tear it down or restore it; after all He is King of Kings.  He is God.”   And in mid-prayer Daniel turns his eyes again to heaven and leans on God’s grace, he pleads for God to do something because His name’s sake is more important than Daniel’s sins. (see v15-19) 
   And Daniel’s faith is strengthened as he rests in the hand of a merciful, gracious, loving God.  Then God answered his prayer. (v20)  You see, God was at work in the middle of this desperate prayer to bring this man to a place where he could hear God and gain understanding.  God had the answer the moment Daniel began to pray (see v23 – “as soon as you began to pray…”), and just like Our Gracious God needed his servant to make some self-discovery before he could hear properly, so it is for any searching soul who bows a head in prayer.
A Prayer…
Father, help me to see YOU the way I need to see YOU so that I can hear YOU the way you need me to hear YOU.  Amen.