Read Ephesians 1:4-8
(In love) He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ in accordance with His pleasure and will.” (v.5)
Some Thoughts…
The mystery of God’s foreknowledge and His predestination plan before time ever began can seem foolish through worldly wisdom – why would God go ahead with creating a planet, animals, plant life, and stars; all the while knowing that the people He would place there would rebel and fall into sin?
Maybe there is a clue here in these verses. Maybe we were created for more than an earthly existence; maybe the process of paradise lost was necessary for God to make His family. Because not only were we predestined to be holy and set apart in order to be God’s very own (v 4), we were chosen to be children of God…adopted as God’s very own with the full rights of a natural born child.
God’s plan was conceived in love and carried out in His timing for His pleasure for the making of a family of dirty slaves turned adopted saints. What a privilege! I am God’s child…I have a place in my Father’s house because of what my big brother Jesus did for me…His life for mine…His pain in exchange for my joy. God’s grace has definitely been lavished on me (v8) and on the rest of my adoptive family. I’m (we’re) so undeserving, yet God’s love prevails and His will; His perfect plan will be completed, and I’m humbly thankful to be a part of it all.
A Prayer…
Heavenly Father,
Thank you, thank you, thank you. May I be a good son…may my life be a praise offering to you…remove all the trappings of the slave-life you’ve adopted me out of and tell me what to do next, and I will obey you, Father. I love you Lord…thank you, thank you, thank you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. May I be a good son…may my life be a praise offering to you…remove all the trappings of the slave-life you’ve adopted me out of and tell me what to do next, and I will obey you, Father. I love you Lord…thank you, thank you, thank you.