Read 2 Corinthians 4:1-18
“…yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.” (v 16b)
Some Thoughts…

When I turn from what I see and focus my whole-heart’s attention on what I believe, there is renewal in the unseen (v18). I regain perspective when my Savior reminds me that all those things, and trends, and ruined lives, and selfish choices… It is all passing away. It is all temporary! And one day all that seems to trouble me and weigh me down with depression and distress will be locked up in the capsule of time, and then real life will begin in the unseen eternity that awaits anyone who will, with the simplest faith, trust Jesus to be Lord (v5).
And I am renewed with that view on eternity that makes today’s trials so small and short-lived in comparison to the glorious existence that awaits us … face-to-face forever with Jesus!
“… So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen…”(v18)
A Prayer…
Father, keep my focus clear this school year. Keep discouragement at bay with Your day-by-day renewing Spirit. Give me eyes to see the unseen …to see behind angry eyes, to look beyond proud attitudes, to see Your creation, Your children in need; in need of renewal that only comes from a change of scenery… from the temporary-seen to the eternal-unseen. I love YOU my LORD! Amen.