Read Daniel 12:5-13
“As for you, go your way till the end; you will rest, and at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance.” (v13)
Some Thoughts…
How often I ask the desperate question, “HOW LONG LORD?” I suppose it is a natural question for any person of faith to ask (it crops up often in scripture; especially those dealing with the “end of all things”). And when I run across this question in scripture, I’m always intrigued to hear God’s answer. It is always the same…wait, trust, and live in ME. And here in the final page of his book, Daniel is given a particularly encouraging way of stating that answer.
(1) God reassures Daniel that the time-line of history is in His divine all powerful hands, not easily grasped by human thinking (“a time times ½ a time” – see v 7).
(2) Then next the Lord reminds His prophet that during these “times”, evil and righteousness will move forward as if side by side extended in battles of eternal proportion (v 10 – see also Matt. 13:24-30 wheat and tares; and Matt. 25:1-13 10 virgins.) Yes, this sin-stained existence must carry on until it is time (11:35; 12:9).
(3) Then finally our Gracious God tells his faithful old servant to “go his way” – keep on the path of faith you are on, Daniel; remain strong in the face of opposition, continue to seek me when no one else will, stay bold in your witness of Me and My truth (see 1Corinthians 15:58; 2 Thessalonians 2:2-3). Go your way, Daniel, and let your mind and your “how-long-question” rest in Me. Keep your mind stayed on Me, don’t toil over My affairs, just keep living by faith, rest in Me, my son…and know that there is a special place I’ve made just for you waiting you at the end of your journey (John 14:2).
So, as we come to the close of the book of Daniel, the message is clear. God is still on his throne! He is in control of everything, even when a Godless world system seams to hold the power and the control; the time is coming when all the nonsense will make sense. It doesn’t really matter how long it seems to my temporal thinking. God says to everyone who will believe like Daniel to go your way, walking by faith, holding onto His invisible hand and the end will come when it comes…wait, trust and live in Christ: our only way, truth and life.
A Prayer…
Everlasting Father, You see it all; the first light of creation all the way to the final sunset of time…and beyond into the far reaches of eternity…You’ve got it all mapped out! And yet You give me a choice to do life Your way or to just walk away into darkness…But, I choose You, because You’ve chosen me. Father, as evil rages, even at times right next to me, I pray for a persevering Spirit that will hold tightly to your hand and loosely to this passing existence. And, on my way, let me shine like a star to point as many people to You as my feeble life will allow (12:3)…I will wait, trust and live in You! Amen.
I will not live in fear … I will live in Christ!