Read Daniel 5:13-30
“But you his son, O Belshazzar, have not humbled yourself though you knew all this.” (v22)
Some Thoughts…
God is not obligated to be patient with any of us. He sees our hearts, our wills, and our passions. He has no doubt if we want His friendship, love, and Lordship in our lives. In our passage we find a parallel of two mighty Kings. One who God slowly and mercifully came to in dreams and in words of honesty from God’s messenger, and over time Nebuchadnezzar submitted his will to the King of Heaven.
Then a couple of generations later along comes Belshazzar, a man who was corrupt, morally bankrupt, and proud. And God scratches a message of doom on a wall at his party that spells out his impending demise. Why? The answer must rest in what Belshazzar knew. He had heard all that had happened with his predecessor. He had surely read the proclamation of his forefather’s faith and yet he rejected God. He spat on the hand of grace, and in so doing sealed his own fate. He “did not honor the God who holds in his hand your life and all your ways.” (v23)
Yes, God is in control, and when we refuse to acknowledge that, we must accept God’s refusal of us. God loves to show mercy, but never at the expense of his righteousness and holy justice.
A Prayer…
Father, keep me humble and properly oriented to Your will. Help me to see my life and all my ways in Your hand today. I will walk in faith, trusting You with all I am and all I do…may You, my King, be glorified. Amen.