Read Daniel 3:1-18
“But even if he does not, we will not serve your gods…” (V18)
Some Thoughts…
Faith, “no matter what”, is tough to come by. These three men of God knew something that very few of us ever figure out. Obeying God relies very little on reward, or vindication, or even protection. The true people of God just follow His path that He divinely lays before them. Daniel’s three friends knew that idolatry was out of the question in God’s eyes, so they didn’t hesitate or waver in their convictions, they simply obeyed God. They didn’t begin a big protest, or march around with picket signs chanting; “we won’t bow”… They just didn’t comply with the culture’s dictates, and people protested.
But, when called on the carpet, and given one more chance to make it right in the king’s eyes they said so eloquently, yet briefly, “we don’t need to defend ourselves in this matter, you know what we believe, and will stick by it. We trust our God to sustain and protect. But even if he lets us die, we will not worship or serve anything or anyone other than Him.”
And so they went off to the now increased heat of the glowing white-hot furnace. And God was there!
A Prayer…
Father, grant me simple obedient faith that is not swayed by intimidation or the popular movement of society. Keep me firmly planted in the fields of Your Kingdom no matter what, no matter when, no matter who would stand against You. And even if You choose to do nothing to make my present situation more bearable, keep me faithful until the end. Amen.