Jesus reached out to ANYONE and I must imitate Him.

“If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked Him and he would have given you Living Water.” (v10)

 Some Thoughts…                     

  It is a striking and sobering thought that Jesus related so well with sinners, whether it was a Pharisee like Nicodemus or a Samaritan woman with a reputation.  Jesus was patient, He spoke on their level, He spoke to their need and he always met them with the truth, the reality of His saving grace, and His eternal-life giving presence. 

   When Jesus spoke with the woman at the well, He was not concerned with social traditions.  He was only concerned about her soul.  He was focused on the work His Father had sent Him to do (v34).  He saw the readiness of a person’s heart for the good news (“They are ripe for harvest,” v35b) … Jesus, who is the eternal Creator and sustainer of life, was deeply concerned for the outcast (and in this case the outcast of outcast, a Samaritan woman living in sin!).

   There is so much in the passage of scripture to consider and meditate on; the issue of worship, morality, God’s view of sin, witnessing, conversion…  Yet the thing that will not let me go is the tenacious, unashamed, and relentless love of God for all humanity from the best of us to the least of us. 

A Prayer…

   Father, give me eyes like Jesus that see the harvest in the hearts of humanity.  Grant me a purpose-driven lifestyle that seeks to lift you up in every conversation to the point of that individual’s need.  I need wisdom and understanding.  Amen.