Jesus Wins!!!!

“His domain is an everlasting domain that will not pass away, and His Kingdom is one that will never be destroyed. (14b)
Some Thoughts…
   Jesus wins!  That is the reality I seem to forget way too quickly.  I focus on the beast of raging inhumanity with all its pseudo-power to crush lives and devour all that is good.  (v4-8)  Kingdoms will rise and fall, they will even become progressively more skilled at exerting their powerful hand in their attempts to usurp the King of Heaven, but it is all a done deal.  God has history in the palm of His hand.  He is in control…always has been, always will be.  I must never forget that! 
   The beast of human pride and power will one day be stripped of its temporary authority (v12), and those of us who never gave up on truth, righteousness and obedience that flow from a seeking heart of determined faith in the Ancient of Days will experience victory…We will win too, right along side our Master and King (see v26-27).
   Oh to live in that reality…to walk by faith, not by sight…to choose to be fully alive by ling in the context of that Day and not be bogged down in the mud and mire of all that I can see, touch, and fret over.  That is what Jesus wants for everyone who follows Him to not have troubled hearts but instead to have a hope in a future filled with mansions and His eternal destroyable Kingdom.
 A Prayer…
Father, make me live in Your reality, trusting Your ways of doing things while others attempt to suggest a new and better way.  Allow me to overcome my fear of the beast of powerful and evil self-directed men and women. And make me a man of God like Daniel; calm, wise and sure of His God and King.  Make me a man of faith!!!