Living by faith means trusting what and WHO I can’t see….

“Moses kept right on going because he kept his eyes on the One who is invisible.” (v27b – NLT)
“for he endured as seeing Him who is invisible”  (v27b NKJ)

Some Thoughts…

   Faith is all about focus.  The word used here in v6 for “looked” – (for he looked to his reward). This is a word having to do with intense focus – “fixing one’s eyes on something”.  It was often used of artist who would concentrate on an object as he reproduced it in a painting or sculpture (Bruce).  It also had to do with a deliberate, determined choice.  As Westcott says, “it is looking away from one object to another.” – We fix our eyes on the ultimate, not the immediate, on the eternal reward rather than on temporal gain.”  (Raymond Brown, p 217- Hebrews commentary)
   I find it so easy to get distracted.  I lose my passion, my will, and determination for the cause of Christ Jesus in a heart-beat when I take a look at the masses of people living their lives seeking everything but God.  When I look in the eyes of some people I feel defeated and useless in my attempts to be salt and light and to point them to a better way (The only way – Jesus)… And I give up.
   But, I must not!  I must keep my gaze on Jesus (who I can’t see), and not people (who I can see).  I must live for His purposes not mine or anyone else’s. To believe in the God of the Bible (The invisible God) I must have resolved focus, and never let the temporary overpower the eternal in me.  Life in the Spirit is the life of the “inner-man”, and that is where I must live!  There must be no room in my thinking that would cause me to say, “I can’t or “I quit” or “I….”.  I cannot focus on me, and there is no room in my thought that would cause me to think, “They will never believe” or “those people always will be like that”.    I cannot focus on the faithless.  I must focus on the ONE who is faithful.
   I must look to the invisible God; I must cling to His Word, His Spirit, His Son … and always say, “with God all things are possible!”  I must see people the way God does and look to the invisible Spiritual aching in their lives.  And together we will cross over to the Promised Land!

A Prayer…
   Father, I believe!  Enable me to maintain my focus and perspective on You, not on my circumstances, or the failings of others, or my own glaring mistakes.  Let me walk by faith not by sight.  Amen.

One Response to “Living by faith means trusting what and WHO I can’t see….”

  1. Wookie says:

    Amen, brother!