Living life from the other side….

“… Nebuchadnezzar had dreams, his mind was troubled and he could not sleep.”  (V1)
Some Thoughts…
   I love to see the comparison of a person led by God and a person “leading the world”…comparisons like Jesus and Pilate, Saul and David, and this case the King of Babylon and his servant Daniel.  Nebuchadnezzar had it all:  More money than he could spend, living on the lap of luxury, possessing power unlike that of most anyone else in the world.  When He spoke people snapped to attention.  Yet, he was troubled to the point that he had no rest.  Although he was powerful, his insecurities grew to the point that they ruled his own sovereignty. He because delusional.  He began threatening (v5) and bargaining (v6) to get some relief from his agony… but when he saw that he had no power over this “other-worldly” power that haunted him, he went blind with rage (v8-9), planning to destroy the only folks that could offer any help.  Although he seemed to have it all on the outside, he was bankrupt on the inside.
   Daniel, on the other hand, had lost all that he held dear.  Taken from his homeland by force, brought in to a culture that was hostile to all that he held dear, he found himself alone and serving a madman that could snap at any moment.  Yet, he was calm, he kept his head, when everyone else was panicking and trembling in fear for their lives, Daniel trusted God.  He walked right into the chamber of the unstable King and “spoke to him with wisdom and tact.” (v14-16)  No flowery sentiments, no promises, just calm assurance to defuse the situation and give God time to work.  Then Daniel did what we must all do to get direction for every day.  He prayed and asked his friends to do the same.
   Although Daniel may have been stripped of all his securities on the outside, on the inside he was anchored to God. He trusted God’s provision and providence (see v19-23)…he was rich and secure in his inner man.  What a difference faith in the One True God makes!
 A Prayer…
 Father, let me live like Daniel, assessing every situation through the filter of faith in You.  Help my first reaction to any situation (big or little, terrifying or trivial) to be to turn to You in prayer, praise, and total dependence.  Amen.
“I thank and praise You, O God of my fathers. 
You have made known to me what we asked of You;
You have made known to us the dream of the king.”  (v23)