Mystery Revealed

Read Ephesians 1:9-10 
“And he made known to us the mystery of His will…” (v9a)

Some Thoughts…

   God has not left us clueless and in the dark.  Sense those first sparks of faith born in the hearts of men and women like Abraham and Sarah, God has been imparting visions of the Eternal in minds of the believer.  (Ecc. 3:11)  And here in this beautiful doxology, Paul set believers eyes where they must remain.  From the foundations of creation (v 4) to the “fullness of time” (v 10) and all that is present (v7, 4), Paul points us to God’s plan – the mystery of eternal things, the reason for His choice to create us, knowing that we would fall.  The point of it all is to one day bring all things together again in complete agreement and obedience to Jesus.

   Any even though Paul wrote these words with chains on his hands, His heart ran free in the liberty of life-eternal under the loving leadership of Christ, under the unifying power of the blood of Jesus to break down all barriers to create a new people…a new nation of faithful followers to be family forever.   It seems completely impossible from this side of eternity, but when “the times will have reached their fullness” everything will be under one Unifying Leader – Jesus…no more strife, no more war, only peace and praise and partnership.

A Prayer…

   Father, I will wait in faith for time to be full and for you to bring everything to completeness.  I will wait with eternal vision and a listening ear to the heart of anyone who is seeking Your truth.  I will wait in holiness and humbleness…trusting you for everything.  Amen.