No warm fuzzies here…

Read Daniel 7:15-28

“…I Daniel, was deeply troubled by my thoughts and my face turned pale…” (v28)

Some Thoughts…

   The final day in the bigger story of the battle for the human heart is a dreadful thing.  This raging, flesh-eating, fading power at work in the world is wreaking havoc on the innocent, the guilty, the week, and the powerful alike.  And much like Daniel I find this all numbingly overwhelming.  The final scene is one of victory for the Power of the universe, but it cannot soften the peril of the enemy.  So many souls die because of sin.  
   But as much as Daniel was grieved, God’s heart surely breaks in two.  Jesus was even called “a man of sorrows”.  I’m sure because He could see the big picture and the ravaging enemy raging in his final, futile attempt to usurp God’s rule.  It will never happen, but many will suffer, many will be lost… Following Jesus may be hard, even life threatening at times, but choosing to reject the love of God is devastating.  Won’t you choose the love of God are let go of the lie that you can control the things that really matter?

A Prayer…

Father, I am deeply troubled, thank you for being my companion through the pain… Make me more diligent to point others to the greater reality that is in Your Son Jesus.  Amen.