“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine…” (v. 20a)

Some Thoughts…

   God has plans so far beyond my limited dreams…If I were to ask God for a list of requests, imagining world peace and championing the cause of the weak, if I could dream up the best scenario for living on this side of eternity and bring that to my Maker in humble prayer, He could handle my request. In fact, He will do much more that I will ever ask of Him.  My dreams and hopes are not “God-sized”, but His plans and dreams are becoming reality every day!  God deserves my glory.  He is the only one worthy of true praise.  He will do so much more than we ask.
   My problem is my failure to ask and dream God-sized dreams.  I’m not sure I truly believe what He has said.  I’m not sure I even have the courage to allow myself to believe in the things He places in my imagination.  But, I must…I must allow Him to increase my faith, to empower me to walk by faith and not by sight; to know beyond my limited knowledge the power of the infinite God to do so much more in my world than I would ever even think He would do…and to that God of power and love I give my life – For His glory…in His body (the church) and it’s head (my Savior, Jesus).

A Prayer…

Father, I still don’t know what to ask You for that would express real faith, but I’m grateful that You are doing more in me than I realize…May You be glorified in me today.  Amen.