“Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.” (Mark 16:20)
Some Thoughts…
I can’t get away from this phrase: “We are God’s fellow workers.”
What does it mean? Paul didn’t just say it once, he wrote it in three different letters. It must have been a predominate thought that drove his life and ministry. And as I read through Mark, God points out a little phrase in the last verse of that great Gospel. A phrase I’ve never noticed before. After Jesus is ascended into heaven, Mark summarizes the work of the disciples and tells us that “The Lord worked with them…” They were “fellow-workers!”
So, this question comes to my mind as I consider my efforts to serve God’s Kingdom purposes… Am I a hired hand or a partner in the business of Heaven? Do I punch a clock and pick up my pay check (weather it’s actual money or the payment of feeling good about helping others and making a difference or relieving some guilt over my sin) OR am I like a partner in a business venture? One who has sunk my whole life’s savings into this thing so that my efforts are motivated not so much by doing the bare minimum to collect my pay, but by doing all I can do in order to see growth.
It’s all a matter of investment really…
Am I “all in” – Lock, stock, and barrel? Or am I just going through the motions with someone else’s reputation and resources on the line? Am I a partner with Jesus or just working for Him?
A Prayer…
May I be counted worthy of your calling to partner with you in the investment of lives forever changed by your gospel – Not like a hireling that runs when the wolves come, but like a shepherd who will put his life between the enemy and his flock. Thank you that you stand with me…. Help me to stand with You!