Read Daniel 2:24-49
“…but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries…” (v28)
Some Thoughts…
I am struck by the incredible humility of Daniel. The king asks, “Are you able to tell me my dream?” (v26) And Daniel’s response is, “No! No one could do what you are asking! It is humanly impossible… but there is a God…” Daniel had the most powerful man in the world at his mercy. He knew the details of the King’s untold dream. And even more impressive, he knew what it meant!
Daniel could have turned this whole meeting into the “Daniel Show” starting with the elite audience of the King then he could have gone global…” Give me your money, you daughters, whatever I want and I’ll keep this horrible thing from happening,” he could have really used this to promote himself. But not Daniel, not the honorable servant of the most-high God! For, he knew better. He understood the meaning of the dream. God is in control. “He changes times and seasons. He sets up kings and deposes them.” (V21)
Daniel’s faith in his sovereign Lord kept him humble and gave him proper perspective for living. Daniel knew that the Rock of Ages would one day come and remove temporary powers and rulers so that His righteous Kingdom would reign forever. Even before Jesus came the first time, Daniel could see His second and triumphant return… The King is coming! We’ve got to get the word out!
A Prayer…
Father, give me vision like Daniel that keeps life in perspective and YOU on YOUR throne. Please never let me be presumptuous enough to think that I am in control of anything or that I can do anything of value apart from the indwelling of Your Spirit of Grace and Power. Jesus keep my eyes focused on your status as KING OF KINGS and don’t let me forget that You are forever in control. Amen.