Read Hosea 14:1-9 & Matthew 23:37
“Who is wise? He will realize these things. Who is discerning? He will understand them. The ways of the Lord are right, the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them.” (v9)
Some Thoughts…
God’s word shouts to us today… “Remember my dealings with my children of old. Be wise, not foolish! Choose love and relationship over rebellion and self-sufficiency! I love you, my child, understand that to be true for all time!” As Kidner puts it: “for the word of God goes on speaking; it never slips safely into the past.” (p 126)
In this final chapter, God turns again to His ever wayward bride and pleads in love for her to turn back to return to His love (v 1-4). He promises blessings and real life, (v5-7) and reassures her that He is the only real source of life (v8). That is the same message for me today. If I am to live in Christ, I must “return” constantly to Him…and how do I return? The first four verses give me guidance:
First, I respond to His plea (v2). I turn and offer the sacrifice of praise, I fill my mouth with His words, and I look for opportunities to praise His name in the presence of everyone or no one. It doesn’t matter except that my life be an offering at all times in response to His love for me (see also Hebrews 13:15 and Psalms 51:14-17).
Second: I remove my fleshly clutches (v3). I stop trusting in earthly power (like Israel did Assyria). I stop looking for security in things I can control (like Israel did with their gods). And I stop trusting in the strength of my own hands. For my life to be successful and happy (like Israel did with their idols), I turn completely to the God I can’t see and walk with Him daily – moment by moment. Then I feel Him giving me life; I hear him call me Son (v8). And I am reassured that His ways are right and do not fall. (See also John14:15 and Galatians 5:25)
A Prayer…
Father, I return to You with open empty hands. I offer the only thing I have…myself. I’m yours Lord…completely. I praise you for your ways are right. You are the only way to live. Keep me walking in step with your Spirit today. Amen.