Read Romans 5:1-2
“Therefore since we have been justified through faith we have …”
Some Thoughts…
When God saved me; at the very moment I believed in His Son, he placed on my life seeds of salvation that He intends to blossom into the fruits of justification.
1) We have Peace with God! The moment I entered into this faith relationship, God removed the hostility that was between us; he refused to see my sin and he enabled me the ability to stop my rebellion and rest in Him. The “Shalom” of God; a real sense of completeness began to grow. No longer did I lack what I needed to live. My past was truly behind me and my future looks strong!
2) We have gained access! And now, because I’m no longer an enemy of God, I am escorted right into His throne room. Not just made a part-time visitor, but presented to Him as a new member of His court with confidence to stand before Him all the time.
3) We have hope! My future is set. I have unwavering confidence that God will carry out His promises, so I rejoice all the time with confidence that God will sustain me no matter what may come my way! Even if my lot in this life seems less than desirable, I know I have a home in the heavens that can never be taken from me.
A Prayer…
Father, help me to never forget your past forgiveness that gave me present peace, and keep my focus on my present access to be directly connected to you at all times. Then Lord, when my knees begin to tremble, give me more confidence to trust your promises that will be fulfilled one day in the future. Thank you God for salvation! Amen.