Slow and Steady Wins the Race…

“I issue a decree that in every part of my kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel.” (v26-a)
Some Thoughts…
   The ordeal was over; Daniel was vindicated (v21).  The treacherous men of deception were disposed of (v24).  The king was relieved! (v23)… and Daniel’s life of faith moves on.  There is another Royal decree from another King influenced by the consistent man of God…
   Daniel’s life of calm, consistent, unwavering faith inspires me.  Every time it seems the world around him was spinning out of control, Daniel calmly assessed the situation through the filter of his relationship with God and then walked in humble faith through whatever door God opened.  He always kept his head.  Even with easily swayed dictators passing irrevocable laws, Daniel remained calm and constantly focused on being the man who God was making him to be.  It seems he never wavered.  Kings would come and go, but there was Daniel “prospering” (see v28).  There is no doubt that God is faithful to uphold those whose hearts are completely His. (2 Chronicles 16:9)
A Prayer…
   Father, help me operate like Daniel…calm, consistent, and faithful.  When my world explodes into insanity and evil men and women rage in an effort to subvert Your rule, keep me grounded in You, let Your peace reign in my life so that it infects those to whom You send me.  Please, Mighty King of heaven and earth, make Your Sovereignty known in me, for Your glory and Your fame (v26a-27)…. Amen.