Read 2 Timothy 2:20-3:9
“But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be … “(3:1-2a)
Some Thoughts…
…Mark it down, come to terms with it, and understand this as fact young, timid, fearful, Timothy (and Rick…and anyone else who stands with trembling legs before a harsh world) we live in the last days (see Matt. 24, Luke 21, Mark 13,and Rev. 6). Jesus ushered them in – so we can expect peril and menacing oppression from within (even in the church we find that the enemy has planted undercover “covert operations” spies – Matt. 13:24-30) and without (the world will always hate what it can’t understand –Matt. 10:22). It is fact and not opinion! Deal with it, be ready for it, ready your mind and soul to stand firm and fight the good fight.
On the heels of some dynamic metaphors to express the character and conduct of God’s minister of His Gospel (i.e. soldiers, athletes, and farmers) dedicated to the task; like a workmen or craftsmen who is making a clear portrait of truth. After those beautiful word pictures, Paul sums it up by calling Timothy to be a clean vessel; proclaim the truth from a pure life style; a servant; gentle, creative and humble… On the heels of all this encouragement, Paul presents the opposition. He reminds Timothy and the reader that evil people, fallen, rebellious, led by their desires; weather intentionally or by nature of their lives will make the furtherance of the Gospel perilous, difficult and frustrating…
Just mark it down. Make concessions for it and don’t give up. There is no doubt, as you look at the way the New Testament portrays the end times. It paints the picture of a spiritual war. This is not Vacation Bible School! Craft time is over! Cookies and punch are NOT being served. The battle for souls is raging. And God is calling out his faithful foot-solders to take up His cause to defeat the enemy by loving estranged outcasts into the fold of the good shepherd. Will you heed the call? If so, just be prepared for the bottom to fall out on occasion. And know that accepting God’s call could mean giving up everything, and I do mean…everything. This is no causal endeavor or luxury cruise! Be a clean vessel, fit for the use of God!
A Prayer…
Father, as Paul encouraged Timothy to know truth, to come to terms with the reality of his situation, I plead with You; the ONE who is determined and fearless, the faithful and true witness that will not give up as “The Day” gets closer and closer. I plead with You to make me a worthy vessel to carry your message to those who will hear. And when I’m afraid, give me unexplainable courage to persevere. Amen.