Read 2 Timothy 4:1-2
“… I give you this charge: Preach the Word …”
Some Thoughts…
Paul calls Timothy into the cosmic court, and as the aging, near glory apostle takes his stand before Almighty God and His all-powerful Son, with a the final day of existence as we know it and life eternal in the Kingdom in view, Paul gives Timothy (and every minister called of God) this charge:
Proclaim God’s word! Expound His truth… Preach the whole council of God!
Let it be known that in the final days of this battle-scarred old preacher that he has no regrets … Paul stood in complete confidence of God’s call on his life. He had no doubt that through it all he had been faithful to God’s plan, so much so that he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that God’s plan is to reach people with the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ was central to all of life here on earth. This aging apostle had seen the power of God’s Word spoken by imperfect men change the hearts of hardened men and women over and over again. He had no doubt that God is in the business of transformation and that, for whatever reason, He chooses to use the speaking of His mighty, unchanging Word to bring about the change. Whether it was proclaimed in the midst of a large crowd, spoken in a conversation over an evening meal, or sung in songs of praise; God’s Word has power; power to change lives! (See Ch 3:16-17; interesting note – these verses are immediately preceded by Paul’s charge to proclaim.)
So, what does this charge have for us living 2000 years after it was made? We are to be ready and even welcoming to the late-night call of one needing encouragement. We must find the energy to correct a false idea and patient enough to make that correction over and over again. Bold enough to rebuke a brother or sister trapped in haughty habits and sinful snares that they have just come to accept as proof of “who they are” (“that’s just the way I am” is a lie from the father of lies).
Always ready to teach by word or action in moments of high impact or low energy; prepared, intentional in delivery, passionate in empathy, patient in continual instruction and humble enough to depend on God for everything. You see our proclamation of the Truth is an all-the-time thing, not just a couple of hours a week when we stand to lead other believers in worship. It is more than just a “visitation time” when we go to present the gospel to a lost soul. It is 24-7-365.
This is not an option in discovering our calling; it is the foundation of all who are called to minister. For there are souls at stake; lives hang in the balance of our faithfulness to this charge. For if we refuse to speak the truth in the middle of someone’s error, we allow that person to continue on their journey AWAY from God. If we are slow to encourage that tired soul being overwhelmed by the waves of sorrow, we leave them with no hope and no lifeline back to God. There is no greater calling in life than to be a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but with greatness comes even greater responsibility.
A Prayer…
Father, make me diligent to study and know your Word and make me faithful to proclaim it to a world that, at times, doesn’t seem to care or “get it” and at other times seems hungry for more and more of You. And when I feel like I have nothing else to give, show me your power in my weakness (2 Cor. 12: 10). And touch another soul through me… in spite of me. Amen