That’s enough of that!

“For you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose to do…” (v 3a)

Some Thoughts…

   As a follower of Jesus, I’ve made a conscious choice to choose God’s desires over human desires.  That is the plea that Peter makes with his readers in the verses…. Be done with the life that lives for self only.  Refuse to live another day like God is not who He says He is and choose His Kingdom instead of the demands and desires of this earthly life. 

   Refusing what “pagans” choose to do:  (also see Matthew 6:32; Isaiah2:6; I Corinthians 10:20).  The word pagans here is the Greek word “eoros”and it means any human activity out-side of God’s will, word, and Kingdom – It can be expressed in scripture many way such as “The Gentiles” or “the world.” In Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus calls is followers to seek the Kingdom of God as their primary objective in life and refuse to run after the things that the “pagans” do.  So by choosing God’s Kingdom, I reject some things; I reject a worldly lifestyle. And Peter helps us understand what that lifestyle is by giving us a short list of some of those things I choose to walk away from:

  “Debauchery” – The insatiable thirst for more, “wantonness” – I choose to be satisfied with less and refuse to run after every little thing that looks to fill up my emptiness – I choose instead to be full of the Spirit.  

   Lust” – This is any selfish desire that may burn in me; anything from the sexual lusts of my flesh, to the creature comforts of lazy luxury, to the food I put into my belly – I choose God’s will – His desire over my momentary pleasure.

   Drunkenness– We live in a world of addictive behavior. The context of this passage is alcohol abuse, but it can include all substances, anything we might use to escape reality.  I choose to face the harsh realities and inconsistencies of life face to face with Jesus as my armor, I need to feel the pain and not be medicated and numb.

  Orgies, carousing – The party life – clubbing, hob-knobbing – the modern dating scene of one-night-stands – running here and there in search of the next good time – sexual experimentation, casual sex, pornography …the list is endless…I choose to stay home…to have a meal with a hurting friend, to go worship at church instead of party at the lake…my “play-time” looks starkly different. 

   Detestable idolatry – In Peter’s day it was the temple prostitutes and strange rituals.  Today it is false doctrine and the religion of tolerance – I choose one God – Jehovah, my savior – Jesus Christ and His Spirit as my guide – I’m left looking odd even out of touch, but I choose God’s will over the world!

We’ve spent enough time looking like the world around us.  It’s time we start looking more like our Savior.

A Prayer…

Father, help me stay the course and keep my focus on you as I live in contrast to a world who can’t understand You and Your way and will…help me be an ambassador to those people who look at me in disgust.  Amen.