That’s NOT us!

“That we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.” (v.39)

Some Thoughts…

   I’ve often read this chapter with much alarm.  Asking; have I “trampled” Jesus or profaned His name, or insulted the Spirit? (See v.29)  But, I realize something as I study this passage.  This is more than some kind of cosmic loophole to keep the weak-willed or persistent backslider out of heaven.  This chapter speaks of those who vehemently and violently oppose the message of Jesus and the work He has done, and then moves quickly to the response of the true believer (even the weak-willed struggler).

   There is a call to persevere, to remember who called us, to cling to His promise, to hold loosely the things of this life, and hold firmly to the promise of God with unwavering commitment and unexplainable joy…He is returning and all the wrongs will be set right.  Don’t be troubled by those who rage against you as you do all you can to follow Jesus, for they (just like us) are in the hands of God…And what a fearful place that is without the blood of the covenant they so smugly refused. 
   Don’t shrink back, stay the course. Never forget that we can’t be labeled that way anymore, because “WE ARE NOT OF THOSE WHO SHRINK BACK…”  God is here and will vindicate the faithful…just believe and walk in that faith.

A Prayer…

   Father, thank you for the assurance of Your mighty work of salvation through Jesus!  Let me walk in faith forever.  Amen.