The answer to life’s “test” is Jesus!

Read John 6:1-15
“He asked this only to test Him, for He already had in mind what he was going to do” (v.6)

Some Thoughts…

   So often we fail the test that Philip failed, we are so familiar with our physical surroundings, our visible resources, and our natural ability that we overlook Jesus… In the face of great need, we whine just as Philip did and proclaim, “There ain’t no way!”  “The need is too great” … “It can’t be done.”  When all along Jesus has a plan.  He already knows how and what and for how long it needs to be done.

   It is a frightening thing to realize how small my faith is.  For God has called us to a world in need to do the impossible (humanly speaking).  All that God desires is all of my resources (no matter how useless and small they may seem). And once we place them in His hand, He gives thanks and begins to use them in miraculous ways.  OH, if I could ever learn the lesson of the providence of God and remember the answer to the “test” is always Jesus.

(The need is enormous, and God plans to use what I have to meet it!)

A Prayer…

  Father, forgive me when I focus on me and my feeble attempts to serve you.  Here I am; all of me.  Take me, break me, and disperse me into a world in need!  Help me not forget that it is You who does the work, You just want me along for the ride… and a little cooperation and company.  Thanks!  Amen.