Read Romans 5:3-8
“Not only so, but we also rejoice in our suffering…” v3a)
Some Thoughts…
How could Paul say that? My natural reaction to the pressures of life and antagonism of people is retreat into depression; my preference in hard times is a pity party not a praise service. But Paul says that not only does he rejoice in hope, but even more so in the face of opposition. How and why? The answer is found in the verses to follow: First, Paul sees God’s systematic plan for our spiritual growth that takes us many times through hard time. And what is God’s goal? It is that those who trust Him would be formed into the image of His Son; that we would be like Jesus!
Paul had learned, through experience, I’m sure, that suffering produces perseverance (endurance to live life today) and perseverance brings to life character (the temperance of a veteran versus the unstable emotion of a rookie) and character brings hope (an immovable confidence in God’s promised outcome). That was the confidence that Paul rejoiced in – He knew God was faithful and His love would never let him go.
That brings us to the second reason Paul (and me and you) can be glad in sad times. God has proven His love in two ways: 1) The gift of His Spirit living in us the moment we believed – God is forever WITH US! 2) And by the cross of Christ, God proved how much he loves us by rescuing us from our sinful (go-my-way people v8), powerless (weak and defenseless v6), ungodly (rebel without a clue v6), lives – He loves us a lot! He broke down the walls we built and covered us with love, and He will sustain us until the day He brings and end to time, as we know it. Then real life begins forever! And because of that LOVE we can rejoice in our suffering knowing something much better waits on the other side of our pain.
A Prayer…
Father, give me the ability to see the pressures on my life as your agents of growth, allow me the grace to embrace hard times with perseverance and character with my eyes fixed on Your Spirit and Your Son. Amen.