Read Daniel10:13-11:1
“…but the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days…” (v 13)
Some Thoughts…
There is more than we can see happening around us all the time…a cosmic war of Spiritual proportions. And here in this chapter is a window into this reality. As Daniel fights a prayer battle for three weeks there was an even greater Spiritual battle raging. Little did Daniel know that his earnest prayer for understanding and his efforts to humble himself before God were helping gain victory in realms unseen by human eyes.
Whoever this prince is, he is defeated by Daniel’s celestial visitor, yet this was just one more battle in a line of more to come (see v20). Daniel’s desire to gain understanding of the big picture of God’s plan led him right into the battle ground of eternity…and there as he trembled and lost his breath, God empowered him with strength and peace to live and obey.
That is still God’s desire for us all. The battles may still rage, but the war is won in Jesus (see Romans 12:7-13). We may still grow weary, but there is power in the cross of Christ! Live today, even though entrenched in a battle, like the war is won! (see Ephesians 6:12-18)
A Prayer…
Father, I praise Your Name; You are my King and my God. I will fight the good fight today…seeking souls in need of YOU. For the war is won, let me play a part in a victory in another battle for souls today. Amen.