We Are Chosen!

“For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight.” (v 4)
Some Thoughts…
   Here is a mystery.  God chose His people – every believer – before He spoke the word “Let there be light”.  Before He made a thing He predestined to make adopted children out of rebellious humanity through His true Son, Jesus.  Jesus told his disciples this truth – “You didn’t choose me, I chose you…”(John 15:16).
   So as much as I want to take credit for coming to Christ, I can take no credit.  The work of salvation is God’s doing completely…and what is it I’ve been chosen for?
1) To be a living sacrifice holy and pleasing to God (Romans12:1-3) – for that is the Old Testament image of “holy and blameless” here is verse 4. 
2) I am to find true loving companionship as an adopted child into God’s eternal family
3) My life is to bring praise to the God who called me.
A Prayer…
   Father, thank you for making it possible for me to know and experience you.  I am humbled and a little fearful of my status as your child – a position I can’t merit or deserve…and to think that you chose me to be holy is a challenge, because so often I feel so unholy…make me more like you today…holy, blameless, and full of praise.  Amen.
Dr. John Stott gives three important truths we cannot escape in the Biblical Doctrine of Election.
1.It is a divine revelation, not a human speculation.  The Bible teaches it, we cannot escape it.
2.It is an incentive to holiness, not an excuse for sin – “holiness” is the very purpose of our election.
3.It is a stimulus to humility, not a grounds for boasting – it is God’s love (v4b) that chose us, not our status, or merit.